Welcome to the Family section of my site! As you can see, this is still a work in progress! I will be writing content to fill this page with tons of tips, resources, and helps to encourage you and your family as you grow and learn together.
- My Favorite Bible to Read Aloud to the Kids
- Bible Memory System
- SOAP Bible Study Resources
- Free Bible Resources
- More Bible Study Resources
Spiritual Life
- Making time for devotions
- Prayer
- Hearing God
- Bible Reading
- Encouragement and Fellowship
Parenting Wisdom
Learning Together
- Books & Reading
- Classes to take
- Videos to watch
- Bible study
- Summertime Fun Charts (free printable)
- Making Memories Through Holiday Traditions
- Make Your Own Christmas Bucket List (Free Printable)
- Countdown to Christmas (Free Printable)
- How to start family traditions
- What holidays to celebrate
- How We Celebrate Birthdays At Our House
- Making Birthdays Special
- Special Cakes for Your Special Kids
Diet & Exercise
- Teaching Your Kids About Good Health Doesn’t Have To Be Hard
- Trim Healthy Mama (page full of resources)
- Start Exercising With These Free Exercise Videos
- T-Tapp Exercise Videos
- How to form habits in you and your children
- How to set aside time to spend together as a family
- Staycation as an option
- How to handle outgrown clothes
- How to keep track of your children’s sizes
- Tips for keeping your family well clothed
- Setting up a laundry schedule
- How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom
- Serving as a family
- Offering hospitality
- Compassion International
- Sending hand-written cards
Gift Buying
- Creating a plan for tracking what you buy
- How to Shop Year-Round and Reduce Holiday Stress
All My Family-Related Products
All My Family Posts

Systematic Theology Series by Pastor Dean Good
We are living in a day when it is so hard to find solid Bible preaching pastors. I am so thankful for our own pastor who faithfully week in and week out preaches God’s Word. I am learning so much…

Teaching Your Kids About Good Health Doesn’t Have To Be Hard
Teaching our kids about how to live a healthy lifestyle is probably something we ALL have on our “to do” list, but realistically rarely get around to. Sure our kids learn through real life and watching what we do, but…

Are you truly free?
As we look forward to celebrating Independence Day this weekend, and the freedoms that were fought for and won by those that have gone before us, I want to encourage you to spend some time contemplating what freedom truly is….

Free Drawing Videos (How to Draw Animals)
Do you have kids that love to draw or want to learn to draw? Check out this amazing Youtube channel – How 2 Draw Animals! They have all sorts of videos to choose from. I will share a few of…

Sponsor a Child and Learn About Other Countries
Do you want your kids to learn more about children in other countries? Does your family want to make a difference in a child’s life? Do you want the opportunity to pray for, write letters to, and share Christ with…

Truth Matters Conference 2022 – A Must Watch!
Truth Matters Conference 2022: Recovering a Biblical Worldview The Truth Matters Conference took place May 18-20, 2022 at the Ark Encounter facilities. This is a conference that takes place every few years organized by Pastor John McArthur and the Grace…

5 Things To Do This Summer to Keep Your Kids Learning
The summer months are going to be upon us soon, and if you are like me, you will be looking for some ideas to keep the kids learning! Whether you homeschool or not, summer is a great time to do…

Making Easter Memorable {for you and your kids}
It can be so easy to allow Easter to slip by without really taking the time to make it memorable. So I thought I’d do a quick post this morning with some ideas for you. First are some fun activities you…

How to Use Your Calendar to Jump-Start Your Goals (+ Podcast #44)
Listen to the Podcast! The New Year has begun! Do you have some goals you want to work on this year? Today I want to share something that has helped me so much to get a jump-start on my goals…

The 12-Week Holiday Planner (Free Weekly To Do Lists + Podcasts #31-#43)
Can you believe it is time to begin thinking of the holidays? Do you want to have a peaceful Thanksgiving and Christmas — holidays where your focus is on Jesus and celebrating with your family? Enter — The 12-Week Holiday…

Homemade for the Holidays #30: Conversation Starters in a Jar
This will be the last post in our Homemade for the Holidays series. I have heard so many of you express appreciation for this series and how helpful it was to you in your gift-making this year. I want you…

Homemade for the Holidays #26: Nativity Craft to Eat
This is a fun project to do with the kids…an Edible Nativity! Our children’s pastor came up with this fun project that he found in a book….so I rounded up the supplies and we made them together as a family…

Homemade for the Holidays #25: Homemade Vanilla {for next year!}
I am going to be trying something new this holiday season…making some homemade vanilla! Now it is too late for me to give away homemade vanilla for gifts this Christmas, but next Christmas..yes…can’t wait! I have read in many places…

Homemade for the Holidays #24: Sugar Cone Christmas Trees
One year we made these edible Christmas trees and the kids had so much fun! What you will need: sugar cones frosting (I used white, but you could color it green) candy to decorate (mini M&Ms, gum drops, sprinkles, etc.)…

Homemade for the Holidays #23: Lacy Scarf {crochet project}
I love to crochet and when I found this pattern I just had to give it a try! I had some Simply Soft yarn that I used and oh….this scarf is so soft and cuddly! I made a couple of…

Homemade for the Holidays #22: Homemade Flannel Board
A homemade flannel board would make a cute gift for a younger child. This would be a fun, inexpensive gift to make that can be individualized for the specific child you are making it for. The ideas are endless! Have…

Homemade for the Holidays #21: Peppernuts
This recipe for Peppernuts comes from my grandparents. They made them every Christmas..a huge tin full of them! They seemed to improve in flavor the longer they stayed in that tin too! My kids always ask for these every Christmas,…

Homemade for the Holidays #20: Crocheted Baby Blanket or Afghan
I love to crochet, so when I saw this pattern online for a crocheted afghan I had to give it a try! I made a small blanket for my daughter to use with her dolls, but you can make a…

Homemade for the Holidays #19: Denim Quilt {sewing project}
I made this denim quilt when I was pregnant with Rachel (who is now 11). It was an easy sewing project using some old jeans and some flannel. You can make these quilts any size…from a crib quilt size to…

Homemade for the Holidays #18: Bon Bons
It was my sister who always like to make these around the holidays…and they have always been a favorite! These would make a cute little gift wrapped up in a pretty Christmas tin (that is if any are left to…

Homemade for the Holidays #17: Knitted Baby and Child Ear Warmers
I have the privilege of sharing with you a cute pattern created by one of my readers, Jackie. Jackie is offering this pattern as a free gift to you. She knitted these ear warmers through the years when her daughter…

Homemade for the Holidays #16: Toffee Candy
I made this easy candy one year and I couldn’t believe how GOOD it was! These are so easy to make and would make a great gift packaged in a pretty Christmas tin. Enjoy! Yummy Toffee Candy On a…

Homemade for the Holidays #15: Crocheted Coasters
These coasters are an easy project that won’t take too long to make either! They are so pretty too! Crochet a set of 4 coasters and tie together with a pretty ribbon for a wonderful gift! Have fun! Pretty Coasters…

Homemade for the Holiday #12: Scripture Prints
There are many different places online where you can download free Scripture prints. Print these beautiful photos and frame them for a wonderful gift. Here are a few websites where you can find free Scripture prints: https://www.juliechenphotography.com/tag/free-scripture-art-download/ https://lifeyourway.net/free-printables/household/scripture-prints/ https://www.aholyexperience.com/free-tools-library-signup/ Join my newsletter…

Homemade for the Holidays #11: Gifts in a Jar
Making gifts in a jar is a fun family project and an easy way to bless others! There are SO many ideas out there, from soup mixes to yummy desserts. I have included a few recipes from my Homemade Gift…

Homemade for the Holidays #10: Puppy Chow
This is one recipe that I HAVE to make every year. My kids love it..oh..I do too! This also makes a great idea for gifts. Fill up some pretty jars with Puppy Chow and decorate with a ribbon and gift…

Homemade for the Holidays #9: Pillow Cases {sewing project}
I love making homemade pillow cases for my kids (and my husband and me too). They are so simple to make and are a perfect project for a beginning sewer. When my youngest daughter turned 2, we moved her into…

Homemade for the Holidays #8: Pumpkin Pie Bars
Years ago someone gave me a recipe for Pumpkin Pie Bars and it has been one of our favorites! But…the original recipe used a boxed yellow cake mix, which I really wanted to NOT do. So…in “Sheri” style, I looked…

Homemade for the Holidays #7: ABC Scripture Book
This cute ABC Scripture book would make a wonderful gift for any children on your list! ABC Scripture Book Click here to go to the “I Can Teach My Child” site to download this neat Scripture book to make! Join…

Homemade for the Holidays #6: Shopping List Envelopes
Here is a fun project for you….and I have done all the work for you! Quite a few years back I got this idea and made up some of these shopping list envelopes for gifts. These are pretty and practical…

Homemade for the Holidays #5: Jelly Gift Jars
JELLY GIFT JARS If you are looking for a fun homemade gift that will be cherished by the recipient…try some jelly gift jars! You can make small 1/2 pint jars or pint jars full of yummy jelly to give away…

Homemade for the Holidays #4: Knitted Dishcloth
This is a fun and easy project for a beginning knitter. I LOVE these dishcloths and they make great gifts. Wrap a few together with a ribbon tied around them for a gift that will treasured…and used! If you don’t…

Homemade for the Holidays #3: Brunekake
This recipe I am sharing with you today is one that has been in my family since I was little. Every Christmas one of my Grandmas would make these (along with a ton of other kinds of cookies!). You can…

Homemade for the Holidays #2: Chocolate Covered Spoons
These are so fun to make and really are pretty! You can do all sorts of variations…with sprinkles, drizzle different kinds of chocolate over the spoons, etc. Have fun! Chocolate Covered Spoons Melt a package of chocolate chips in a…

Homemade for the Holidays #1: Cinnamon Ornaments
This is one craft that each of our kids have made at one time or another. They smell SO good too! The ornaments are fairly easy to make and would be great gifts for family and friends. Cinnamon Ornaments Combine…

Why you need to begin NOW to plan for the holidays!
I wanted to share an article with you that I wrote a couple years ago about planning for the holidays. Enjoy! ********************************** Prepare your homes for the holidays If you are like me, it can be very easy to…

Free Bible Studies for Women Online
I love finding great free Bible studies for you and this resource is no exception! A while back I was doing some searching online for a new Bible study to do and ran across this really neat website. Melanie Newton has…

IHP 026: When Things Get Hard, Will You Also Go Away?
This is Episode #026 and today I want to talk about some lessons that the Lord has been teaching me again from the book of John – a lesson for when the days get hard. Listen to the Podcast: My…

Homeschool Myth: You Can’t Balance Homeschooling and Homemaking
When we are home all day with our children, there is a temptation to feel that our homes need to be in spotless condition at all times. We are constantly picking up and putting away, to the point that we…

A lesson from reading books to my children
The Lord uses my children in so many ways to teach me things. What precious gifts they are! Quite a few years ago I was reading {again} Corduroy to my then 3 and 4 year old. They just loved that…

A lesson learned on the way to get groceries
You never know what God is going to use to teach a lesson. Last week we were driving down the interstate on our way to get groceries. As we got near our exit, I saw a patch of grass beside the…

Free Audio Books for Kids
Free audio books are a wonderful way to get in more reading of great books! Below you will find tons of audio books you can listen to. They are full-length books, so some of them are pretty long. So bookmark…

Putting Love in Action + FREE Printable!
As Valentine’s Day approaches, I wanted to share a fun activity that we like to do in our home. We print out these notes {click on the image above to download the PDF file}, cut them apart, and stick them…

My Study Through 1 & 2 Peter Using The Intentional Bible Study Journal
I am so excited about my book, The Intentional Bible Study Journal. This is a great tool to use in your daily Bible study times. Below you will find my outline for studying through 1 & 2 Peter. But before you go…

Intentional Quiet Time Journal Now Available Also As An Ebook
I created the Intentional Quiet Time Journal for you to use in your daily Bible study and quiet time. For those of you who are more on the creative side, this one is for you! After releasing the softcover version…

Living Intentionally + Resources to Help You!
Through the years that I have been blogging, there has been a theme that has been at the heart of all I have done and that has been being intentional. Life passes by too quickly to not be intentional about…

Setting Priorities (not goals) for the Coming Year
At the beginning of a new year, you probably find yourself brainstorming about goals you want to set, things you want to achieve, changes you want to make, etc. in the coming year. But I heard someone say recently that…

5 Steps to Capture the Memories This Season
With the amazing technology we have nowadays, it is so easy to capture those precious family memories using our phones. No more toting around a big camera everywhere you go. You simply pull out your phone and snap a shot!…

Trim Healthy Mama Books Available (my thoughts)
Since the very first Trim Healthy Mama book came out in 2012, I have purchased every single one of these! Some of you who are new on the scene with THM may not realize that they have published all these…

What basic life skills should I teach my child? (Skill Trek Review)
Are your kids prepared for life? What life skills should you teach them? We all want our kids prepared for life when they are ready to move out on their own. And there are so many skills that can make…

The Radical Book for Kids (Review)
I love it when I come across great resources that I just know you are going to love! When I was researching materials that I wanted to use this coming school year, I ran across this recently published book, The…

Embracing our children for who they are…today!
When I saw this quoted on another blog recently, I knew I had to share it here. This just goes right along with everything else the Lord has been laying on my heart. My desire to capture each moment, not…

Bible for Children
Bookmark this page and use these wonderful resources for your Bible time! There are beautiful colorful pages with Bible stories, coloring pages, Powerpoint presentations, and more! Enjoy! [Note: If you are viewing this via email or RSS reader, you will…

Raising Children to Make a Difference (VIDEO)
I wanted to share this wonderful video by Sally Clarkson. She has so much wisdom to share. I have learned so much from Sally over the years. Enjoy! [If you are reading this via email or RSS reader, you may…

Use this tool to make writing fun and productive!
When I heard about the AlphaSmart Neo2 from my friend, Melanie, I knew I had to check it out! I love typing, love writing, but many times get distracted with Facebook or answering emails, etc. I had a feeling this…

Having Compassion and Not Giving Up
We have been sponsoring children through Compassion International for quite a few years now. When I moved my blog into more of a business, we wanted to find a ministry we could support — one that the whole family could…

Intentional Summer Days: 7 Day Challenge
Are your summer days slipping by and you have nothing to show for it? I don’t know about you, but I always look forward to the slower days of summer. I have grand plans for all the fun things I…

How to Have an Intentional Summer
For many of us, we are now in the middle of our summer break. Kids are home from school or, if you homeschool, are taking a break for the summer. We so anticipate and look forward to this break, but…

15 Resources to Keep Your Kids Learning This Summer!
Many of you, including me, are winding down your homeschool for the year and are looking forward to summer. With the summer months comes lots of fun family times and outdoor activity. But I want to encourage you to keep…

Motherhood Lessons from Matthew {Part 4} Serving Others or Self?
A while back when I was doing my Bible reading with the kids, we read some in Matthew. We were reading the verses where it talks about how Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. It said that she was sick and when Jesus…

Read through the Bible in six months (right here on my site)!
Bookmark and come back each day for the next Bible reading! This is not the complete text of the Bible, but it will take you through all the major Bible stories! These daily Bible stories would be great for personal…

Motherhood Lessons from Matthew {Part 3} – Blessed so that we can bless others
A while back as I was reading through Matthew, the Lord brought some new insight into the story of when Jesus fed the 5,000. Before when I have read this passage, the Lord showed me that like this boy who…

Through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Every once in a while I get in on listening to Dr. J. Vernon McGee on the radio. I always enjoy listening as he shares and studies through the Bible. Well, I found out that Thru the Bible is offering…

Motherhood Lessons from Matthew {Part 2} – Struggling with worry? Look at the birds of the air!
I love this time of year, when the birds start coming to the feeders. They are so pretty! We have quite a variety visit us — Blue Jays, Orioles, Starlings, Finches, Cardinals, Black-Capped Chickadees, Doves, Woodpeckers, Red-Winged Blackbirds, and so…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 7 of 7-Be a Prayer Warrior} + Free Printable!
[I’m reposting this from the archives, since it fit so perfectly with my theme for this month — how we can show others how much we love and appreciate them!] Today we are going to look at something that we…

We Have This Moment Today {Let’s not miss it!}
Why does it seem that the older I get the faster these days go by? It can be so easy to sit and wallow in sorrow for days gone by and neglect the moments we have been given. I love…

Books I Want to Read in 2017
I love reading and admit that I sometimes get into a rut. So this year I decided to make a list of books in several different categories that I wanted to read. That way I will hopefully read more of…

A love letter from God…for YOU!
I received this “letter” in a newsletter once and wanted to share it with you. Click here for a downloadable copy. Print, fold in half, and stick in your Bible to read through often….remembering our awesome Father God who loves…

Show you care: Send a hand-written card or letter every day this month!
The theme that I want to blog about during the month of February is going to focus on relationships and showing others how much we love and appreciate them. In my research about bullet journaling, I ran across this writing…

Most Popular Posts from 2016
I thought it would be fun to go through and see what my most popular posts were in each of these categories in 2016. I hope you enjoy this stroll down memory lane! Maybe you’ll find a few posts here…

The Top 10 Books I Read in 2016
As you already know, I love to read. In 2016 I read 62 books. I thought it would be fun to go back through all the books I read this past year and choose my top 10 and share them…

Donate Your Used Christmas Cards!
I love sending and receiving cards at Christmas, but when it is all over with I hate to throw them all away. Well, I discovered something neat you can do with them that will bless others — Donate your used…

Wonderful Christmas DVD for kids!
I have been so impressed by the What’s In the Bible DVD series for kids! They have a complete set of DVDs that cover the Old and New Testament. They also have a Christmas DVD called “Why Do We Call It…

Peanut Butter Ritz Reindeer + More Fun Christmas Food Fun!
Ready for some Christmas food fun? There are so many cute ideas out there, so I thought I’d share a few to get you started. Peanut Butter Ritz Reindeer Cookies Aren’t these cute? I love chocolate and peanut butter together…

Our Favorite Christmas Movies
Ok. I’ll admit it. Our family loves watching movies together, especially around Christmas! Over the years we have accumulated quite a library of DVDs that we enjoy over and over again. From Thanksgiving all the way to New Year’s, we…

Our Christmas Bucket List (Free Printable)
It is that time of year again to sit down with my kids and start making a bucket list of fun things they would like to do over the month of December. Since I am needed something like this anyway, I…

The Cinnamon Bear {Listen to all 26 Episodes FREE!}
The Cinnamon Bear is an old time radio program produced by Transco (Transcription Company of America), based in Hollywood, California. The series was specifically designed to be listened to six days a week between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was first…

Why I Blog (Find out the “why” behind what I do here!)
I thought it would be fun to do a post sharing with you about why I do what I do here. I have been blogging for quite a few years now, and while it has been a lot of work,…

God’s instructions for troubled times
This past Sunday at church, the choir sang this amazing song. It was the chorus that really struck a chord with me and I wanted to share some thoughts with you today. There is so much going in our world…

My Healthy Habits for October
I previously shared how I am really wanting to make some lifestyle changes in regards to my health. I don’t want to start something just because it is the next “new thing” and then fizzle out because I did not…

My Healthy Habits for September
I previously shared how I am really wanting to make some lifestyle changes in regards to my health. I don’t want to start something just because it is the next “new thing” and then fizzle out because I did not…

Making Trim Healthy Mama a Lifestyle and Not Just the Next “New Thing” (My struggles and what I am doing about it!)
Since starting Trim Healthy mama in 2012, I lost 30 pounds Yeah! But since that time I have gained 20 pounds back. Yikes! Now my problem is not with the THM plan itself. It works! The problem is me. My…

Special Cakes for my Special Kids
Over the years I have enjoyed making special cakes for my kids’ birthdays. Sometimes I get a bit more creative than others, but it has been fun and the kids really enjoy it. I thought I would include some pictures…

How to Shop Year-Round and Reduce Holiday Stress
Want to learn how to shop year-round and reduce holiday stress? Read on! November and December are probably two of my most favorite months of the year because we get to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas! But we all know the…

THM Testimony: How eating more E meals changed everything!
I am so excited today to share a post from Cheryl, a local friend of mine. She has had such great success doing THM, and has some wonderful tips to share with us! Enjoy! ~Sheri Hi! I have been a…

Intentional Quiet Time Journal (for boys) Now Available!
Many of you asked for a “boy” version of this journal that was not as “pretty” and geared more towards boys. Here it is! The Intentional Quiet Time Journal (for boys) is available in softcover (at Amazon) and eBook formats….

New Intentional Monthly Planner & Intentional Quiet Time Journal Books Now For Sale + A Peak at My Bible Study from Yesterday
They’re here! The brand new Intentional Monthly Planner and Intentional Quiet Time Journal softcover books are now available for sale on Amazon! The Intentional Monthly Planner is a brand new planner for the new school year. It includes 18 months…

Look what came today + Sneak peak at the Intentional Quiet Time Journal (for boys)
I thought I wouldn’t be getting these until later in the week, but look what came today in the mail — my proof copies of the Intentional Monthly Planner: July 2016-December 2017 and the Intentional Quiet Time Journal! I looked…

Sneak Peak at Some New Books Coming Soon!
I am so excited to give you all a sneak peak at a couple of new books that will be coming soon! Proof copies of both books have been ordered, and once I look them over to make sure they…

A Peek Into Our Morning Reading Time
I love reading to the kids while they are eating breakfast and I use this time to get in some reading that we may not have time for otherwise. While we always read out of The Child’s Story Bible every…

Do you have your “war” strategy in place?
There is a battle going on not only in our world, but in the hearts and lives of every person. Not one of us can say that we do not have battles we are fighting. We all do. And that…

Getting to the HEART of the Matter!
Today I want to share a quote that I read this week in The Excellent Wife. It really opened my eyes to an area that I was totally unaware and I pray that it will help you to really evaluate…

Start exercising with these free exercise videos!
I recently shared in one of my Intentional Inspirations newsletters about some new workouts I was trying out. While I love T-Tapp and the short 15-minute workout, I was looking for something to give me more of a variety. I…

Is your soul being held hostage by hustle? (Some quotes from Simply Tuesday)
I just began reading a new book yesterday and can already tell that it is going to speak volumes into my soul. Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman is a book all about small-moment living in a fast-moving world. It…

Top 15 Books I Read in 2015
If you have followed me for very long, you know how much I love to read. There have been seasons of my life where I did not have a lot of time to read and I had to get a…

Love Came Down (for YOU and ME!)
In a day when it is hard to find “peace on earth, good will toward men”, we can celebrate true peace and joy because Love came down that first Christmas morning. Just read the words of this beautiful song…. “Love…

Peanut Butter Cookies
PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar, packed 1 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 cup peanut butter 2 eggs 2 1/2 cups unbleached flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Cream…

Sugar Cookies, Sick Kids, and Songs to Enjoy!
It has been an interesting week! We started out the week making sugar cookies and decorating them with my husband’s parents. The kids had lots of fun decorating the cookies with frosting, sprinkles, and mini M&Ms. We enjoyed sampling a cookie…

Christmas Decorating and Special Dinner, Our Giving Jar, Cookies, and God’s Grace!
As I mentioned in my post about making a Christmas Bucket List, I sat down with the kids and we made a list of the special things they wanted to do this December. I thought I’d share a little about…

Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Printable
I posted about these last year and I am so excited to see that they are making them available again this year! If you use and love the Jesus Storybook Bible (like I do), then considering using these free Advent…

My Study Through Philippians Using The Intentional Bible Study Journal
I continue to enjoy using The Intentional Bible Study Journal to study through books of the Bible. If I don’t have something planned out ahead of time, it is too easy for me to not do anything and really miss out…

Thanksgiving Movies for Your Family
I thought it would be fun to gather some fun Thanksgiving movies for your family to enjoy together. As you gather with family and friends, let’s remember how very much we have to be thankful for! (Note: All videos are…

How to Plan Your Homeschool for December {TONS of Great Ideas!} [Video]
I just love this time of year as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas — all the extra fun family activities to do together like decorating, making cookies, caroling, shopping, giving gifts, doing Advent readings, and so much more. But with…

Doodle and Journal Your Way Through The Bible!
Recently I was introduced to Kari at Stone Soup for Five. She was in a workshop I was watching and she was talking about her bullet journal. Well, after the workshop I went to her site to look around and…

How to Add More Reading Time to Your Homeschool Day [Video]
How do you add more reading time to your homeschool day? Today we are going to talk about how easy it really is to sneak in more reading each day and your kids will love it! Watch the Video Download…

Adding in More E Meals in Your Trim Healthy Mama Menu [Video]
A reader sent me a note recently asking me how to incorporate more E meals into your diet. She was also wanting some ideas for E meals and some non-sweet snacks. In this short video I talk about the importance…

He Has Called Me To Be Faithful
Last week as I was reading through Sarah Mackenzie’s book, Teaching From Rest, I underlined sections and copied them into my journal. I wanted to share one sentence that stood out to me as I was reading… “He’s called me…

5 Things To Do During Your Break Week
I recently shared in one of my Intentional Inspirations newsletters about how I have set up our homeschool schedule a little different this year. I am planning in 6-7 week intervals, with 1 week breaks in between. We just finished…

Marching Around My “Jericho”: Learning to March in Quiet Obedience
Tonight as I sat here for some Bible reading time, I was feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Defeated in parenting and homeschooling. Feeling that I wasn’t doing enough fun things with the kids, not covering everything the kids will need in…

My Study Through Ephesians Using The Intentional Bible Study Journal
I continue to enjoy using The Intentional Bible Study Journal to study through books of the Bible. If I don’t have something planned out ahead of time, it is too easy for me to not do anything and really miss out…

Planning for the holidays {and a free Week 1 excerpt from The Holiday Planner!}
These weeks just keep flying by and I cannot believe it is time to pull out my Holiday Planner to start planning for the holidays. I am excited to include a special freebie for you today so you can give the…

Mommy’s Apron {New Site for Homemakers!}
I am beyond excited today to announce a brand new website for homemakers by my good friend, RaShell — Mommy’s Apron! Over the past few years I have been blessed to get to know RaShell and be a sort of…

Hands Free Life: 9 Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, & Loving More
I was so excited to get a pre-release copy of Rachel Stafford’s new book, Hands Free Life! When Rachel’s other book came out, Hands Free Mama, I was one of the first to buy! This message is one that needs…

Your first step to a healthy, natural, chemical-free lifestyle (free mini audio ecourse!)
Over the years I have read a TON of books on health and fitness, and because of that have made many changes. As many of you know, I love following the Trim Healthy Mama plan and continue to learn and…

New Trim Healthy Mama Books Coming Soon + Pre-Order Freebies + FREE THM Recipe Cards (from me!)
I am so excited about these brand new books coming out by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison, authors of the book, Trim Healthy Mama! They will be released in a few weeks, and if you pre-order one or both of…

Redeeming our Family Vacation: Choosing Joy Amidst the Hardship!
I thought today I’d share a bit about our family vacation last week. We left Sunday morning to travel to our vacation destination: Colorado Springs! We had never been there and were excited about some of the fun things we…

My study through Galatians with The Intentional Bible Study Journal
I have really been enjoying using The Intentional Bible Study Journal to study through books of the Bible. If I don’t have something planned out ahead of time, it is too easy for me to not do anything and really…

5 Reasons to Use T-Tapp to Start Exercising Today
Ever since I began Trim Healthy Mama, I have been wanting to start exercising on a regular basis. Well, it just never seemed to get done. I would do good for a few days, and then it would fall by…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read Next Week
The last couple of weeks have been busy for me and I haven’t gotten as much reading done. Life happens, and I am learning to make the most of it and not fall into feelings of guilt if I don’t…

5 Ways I Lived Intentionally This Past Week
A friend of mine recently shared a blog post that was written by a friend of hers, who recently lost her husband. In this blog post she shares about how we are “replaceable” in most roles we play in our…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read Next Week
We are gearing up for a fun 4th of July celebration at our house. The kids are getting excited to have the grandparents here, plus we are celebrating a couple birthdays that are this coming week (my youngest daughter and…

Encouraging the Entrepreneur in Our Children!
One of the many things that I love about homeschooling is that it allows your children to spend lots of time developing their interests. Then it is fun when they take it a step further and begin sharing their talents…

The Christian life isn’t about me — It’s about Christ in me!
The Christian life isn’t about me. It’s about Christ in me. These are the words I woke up to this morning as the radio turned on to tell me it was time to get up. These are the very words…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It has been a good week! I spent all day yesterday doing homeschool planning for next year. Today I plan on trying to finish things up as much as I can. It always feels good to get that planning done…

2 Books I Finished This Week, 1 Book I Did NOT Finish + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It has been a somewhat crazy week! Whew! My father and mother-in-law will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday and my husband and I are planning a fun surprise celebration for them at our house on Saturday. So…

How to Organize Your DVDs and Audio CDs + FREE Dramatized Kids Bible!
A week or so ago when I was reading the book, Confessions of a De-Cluttering Junkie, I got a great tip for how to save space and organize my DVDs and Audio CDs. In the book, she bought CD holder…

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
I woke up this morning to this quote in my Facebook feed: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Make the most of it and don’t sweat the small stuff!” A friend of mine posted this…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I missed posting my reading progress last week because it was a crazy week and I didn’t get much reading done. This week was a little better and I was able to get in more reading time. For those that…

A Peek Into My Week: Crocheting, homeschool planning, a new book, a new THM recipe, and a giveaway!
It has kind of been a crazy week and so I thought today I would give you a quick peek into my week. My dad had surgery on Tuesday, so as I sat in the waiting room with my mom,…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I didn’t get quite as much time this past week to read, but that’s ok. Since we are on our summer break, I have been trying to work on some projects around the house. It feels good to have a…

My study through 1 & 2 John using The Intentional Bible Study Journal
I have really been enjoying using The Intentional Bible Study Journal to study through books of the Bible. If I don’t have something planned out ahead of time, it is too easy for me to not do anything and really…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
We finished up homeschool for the year last week and have been enjoying some extra free time this week. I am looking forward to getting some projects done around the house this summer and spending extra time making memories with…

5 Ways to use your Kindle to help your beginning reader!
Today I want to share a little tip that I have been using in our homeschool over this past year. I have a child who has really struggled with reading. It isn’t that he can’t read, but he has had…

Begin planning your homeschool year with my new Intentional Monthly Planner!
I am so excited to tell you about this brand new product, the Intentional Monthly Planner, that is now available for sale on Amazon! Each year I plan to publish a brand new planner for the new school year!…

3 Books I Finished This Week + What I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It has been a good week so far and we are all pretty excited about moving into a lighter summer schedule. Our homeschool is winding down for the summer and that means more time for some extra fun and memory…

How I am sneaking in more reading time + What we are reading now!
One of my goals recently has been to get in more daily reading time with the kids. I thought I’d share how I am sneaking in more reading time each day and also share some of the things we are reading!…

A Peek Into My Life
I thought it would be fun to do a “Peek Into My Life” post to start off the week. It is supposed to rain all week here in Kansas, so it will be a great week to get in our…

4 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I can’t believe another week has flown by! Here it is the end of April, spring is here, and summer soon after. All the books I ordered from ThriftBooks arrived and I am already excited about next school year! I…

3 Favorite Resources I Use to Select Great Books
We are gearing up for our summer break and with that comes the fun of finding new books to read! I have been having fun ordering books for us to read next year and thinking about what I want to…

The beauty in all of us that we can share with others!
This morning I just wanted to share with you how each of us has beauty that we can share with others. Our tulips and lilacs were blooming a couple weeks ago and so my oldest daughter, Sarah, arranged this beautiful…

How to Kill Your Goliath {free ebook by Chip Brogden}
One of my readers emailed me to let me know about this free ebook being offered right now by Chip Brogden — How to Kill Your Goliath. I was able to read through this short ebook yesterday afternoon and I…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I missed my post last week, partly because I didn’t finish reading any books to post about! Our school year is winding down, so I was spending time figuring out what we need to accomplish before we take our summer…

Free Online: The Complete Chronicles of Narnia Audiobooks
I have posted about this on Facebook before, but don’t think I ever posted here on my site. You can listen to the complete Chronicles of Narnia Audiobook series online for free! When I was young I read the first…

Dr. Tedd & Margy Tripp Discuss Their Book: Instructing a Child’s Heart
In a day and age where we have so much information at our fingertips, I really appreciate the Tripps who provide such Godly counsel on parenting. What I appreciate about their books is that they focus on the heart of…

Great Inspirational Music for Your Kids!
This past weekend when my parents were over for dinner, we had fun reminiscing about some of the old records we used to listen to when I was a child. We talked about the fun songs that were filled with…

Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson {Only $2.99 on Kindle!}
Right now you can get Own Your Life, by Sally Clarkson, for only $2.99 on Kindle! This is an excellent book and one I am currently studying through with a friend. I’m not sure how long it will stay at…

4 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It has been a good week! We are taking our “spring break” this week so I have been enjoying doing some projects around the house. Monday I cleaned out our laundry room. This little room houses not only the washer…

NEW! The Intentional Bible Study Journal {softcover}
A friend and I have been studying through the book, You Are Loved, and we have really been getting a lot out of the study. This was my first introduction to studying the Bible using the SOAP method and I…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It has been a good week and the weather here in Kansas has been beautiful! The grass is turning green, the flowers are coming up, our fruit trees are blooming. I just love this time of year! I was able…

1 Book I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
Last week was a little crazy for me as I was over at my in-laws most all day every day helping my father-in-law. But I was able to get a little reading done and my Bible study while I was…

Confessions of a Prodigal Son – Now on DVD!
I am so excited to announce the release of Confessions of a Prodigal Son on DVD! This is a movie written by Nathan Clarkson, son of Clay and Sally Clarkson. Nathan plays the lead roll opposite Kevin Sorbo. Nathan’s wife,…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week!
I am really enjoying all the books I have read by Chautona Havig. One of the reasons I think I am enjoying them so much is that I am in a somewhat stressful season of life right now with all…

A Little of Everything {my life, THM recipes to try, new book to read, math, keeping journals, and more!}
I was trying to figure out what to write about today and had lots of things running through my head to share. So this is going to be a hodge podge of sharing a peek into what is going on…

1 Book I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It seems like the week has flown by, again! The weather here has been beautiful so we have enjoyed doing some things outside. I did get some reading time in and finished up one book this week. My goal is…

1 Book I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
Well, I only finished one book this past week and it was one I actually wasn’t planning on reading. I think you are going to start seeing one of my weaknesses…I start reading lots of books and then have a…

Deals, Fun Stuff, Worship – for your Friday!
Today I thought it would be fun to do a post with a variety of fun stuff for you…enjoy! Today only (2/27/15) you can get Rosetta Stone for 61% OFF on Amazon! My kids LOVE these Mathtacular DVDs! If you…

Old Books + Family History
Ok, I’ll admit it…I LOVE books! My husband always kids me saying that all our wall space is taken with bookshelves (and he actually isn’t kidding)! When we moved into our current house almost 8 years ago, I was so…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
Books, books, books. I guess you could say I’m kind of a book-loving gal! Not only do I really enjoy reading, but I have learned so much through the years through reading great books. A couple weeks ago, my parents…

Want to know how to eat better and spend less?
I am so excited today to introduce a good friend of mine, Beth Cranford. Beth knows what it is like to try to put healthy meals on the table when life is busy and the budget is tight. She has…

A Peek Into My Day + Some Inspirational Music
My heart is full today of the realization of God’s amazing love for me. The past few months have been difficult for my family, but through it all I have felt such a peace and have been able to rest…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
This week I am going to filter back in some more non-fiction books. I am really enjoying the reading times I have had and this past week had some extra time due to the plain fact that I was needing…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I was able to get more reading time in this week – yeah! If you have been a reader here on my blog for a while, you know how much I love books. It is just relaxing to me to…

A manners book + free math and language arts worksheets + free software to convert Youtube videos to mp3!
Today was supposed to be my Decluttering Challenge Update post, but I forgot to take before and after pictures of what I accomplished last week. With my oldest son’s help, we cleaned off the tops of the refrigerator and upright…

Complete Little House Series – Audiobooks {IMPORTANT UPDATE!}
I have decided to take this post down as it was brought to my attention that these audios are most likely a copyright infringement. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I cannot support or promote something that is illegal. Thank you for…

Ever wish life would get back to “normal”?
Have you ever caught yourself saying something like this, “Boy, I sure will be glad when things get back to normal!” I know I have said it many times in my life. But what is “normal”, really? Our lives are…

You Are Loved {Book Study Resources}
I am really excited about starting to study through You Are Loved with a friend of mine. Since Sally and Angela recorded some videos to go along with some of the chapters, I decided to go ahead and do a…

3 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
One of the things I have been trying to do is making sure I do an activity each day that refreshes me and builds me up. One of those activities is reading! So I have made an intentional effort to…

Start a Read-Aloud Time Today {Podcasts, audios, and TONS of resources to get you started!}
Recently I have been enjoying listening to some podcasts as I fold laundry and work around the house. Well, I have some treasures for you today! You all know how much our family enjoys reading aloud — well, these podcasts…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I was so excited to get in some more reading this week! Yeah! I am also excited to share with you some really good podcasts I listened to this week about reading aloud to your children. It just confirms over…

A Review of My Week {1/23/15}
To be honest, it has been a long week. As I shared in a previous post, my father-in-law went through cancer surgery to remove his bladder and prostate the first part of December and has been at home recovering. My…

New book I am reading with the kids!
Well, I didn’t finish any books this week, so I thought I would highlight a new book we started reading! I bought The Book of Virtues a while back and have read sections here and there to the kids, but…

1 Book I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
It seemed like I didn’t have as much time to read this past week as the week before, but that could be due to the fact that I was sick! I only got one book finished, but look forward to…

Own Your Life in 2015!
Just had to give one more plug for this book! Sally has an awesome giveaway going on right now too! See details below. I began reading this book yesterday and I can’t wait to read the whole thing. I’ve been…

A Review of My Week {01/09/15}
This week we started back up with our homeschool schedule. Because I was sick most of the week, it made it a real challenge, but we made it and got most everything done. It has been a long week…

2 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
I know I am going to love doing these posts every week. Some weeks I will get more reading done than others, but I look forward to sharing the things I am reading myself and also what we are reading…

My 10 Favorite Books I Read in 2014
I thought it would be fun to look back over the books I have read this past year and pick my 10 favorites. I love to read and in the recent past have mostly been reading non-fiction books. Well, this…

Teach Us to Number Our Days: How To Redeem the Time {Part 1 of 5}
[I am reposting this from the archives. Be sure to click the link at the bottom of the post to view all the posts in this series.] As we begin the new year, many of us are taking time to…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 12}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Favorite Christmas Read-Aloud Books & Holiday Links!
Today I thought I would share some of our all-time favorite Christmas read-aloud books. As I have said before, we love our afternoon read-aloud times, so after Thanksgiving we turn our reading time to some of our favorite Christmas books…

My plans for using The Intentional Journal in 2015
When I created The Intentional Journal, my desire was to provide something that people could use to journal about anything that they wanted to. I wanted it to be versatile and usable. This morning as I was getting ready for…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 11}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Simply CHRISTmas: A smorgasbord of my favorite Christmas posts
The other day I went through all my old Christmas posts and picked out some to share with you here. There are posts with some great Christmas read-alouds and holiday links, posts on giving, stories, projects, and more! Remember —…

The Thank You Project – a MUST SEE video!
This is such an inspiration and an encouragement to thank those who have made a difference in our lives. Read the full story behind the Thank You Project video on her blog here! Join my newsletter list and updates, and get access to…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 10}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we…

Simply CHRISTmas: Watch Christmas movies that focus on Christ!
While there are lots of “fun to watch” Christmas movies that I enjoy watching during the Christmas season, these are specifically focused on the true meaning of Christmas…the birth of Jesus Christ! I wanted to gather some of these movies…

Another WestJet Miracle: Spirit of Giving {a MUST SEE video}
Well, WestJet has done it again and just released another awesome video for the holidays. You can view last year’s video here — it was excellent too! This year’s video was recorded in the Dominican Republic. Gather the family around…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 9}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Some excellent holiday reading on Kindle for only $0.99!
Are you looking for some holiday reading? Check out these two Kindle books that are on special right now for only $0.99! The Unfinished Gift Advent Enjoy curling up with a good book this holiday season! Happy reading! Join my newsletter…

Happy Thanksgiving + Some Updates
Happy Thanksgiving! First, I want to wish each of you a blessed Thanksgiving Day! I know many are going through difficult times right now, including our family, but even in the midst of all that we have so much to…

{FREE} Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Printable
I love the Jesus Storybook Bible and am so excited to see this new Advent Printable! There are printable cards for December 1-24, with the Bible passage and page numbers out of the Jesus Storybook Bible to read each day….

Making Memories Through Holiday Traditions
Memories…memories stay with us as we get older…memories affect how we live our lives. One way we can make memories is through family traditions. What are family traditions? Family traditions are those activities your family does on certain days or…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 8}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we…

Neat tool/toy for you and your kids — the Boogie Board!
Just a quick note to let you know about this really neat tool that can be used by young and old alike – the Boogie Board! A while back I bought one of these Boogie Boards for the kids and…

Beautiful Rustic Decor Handmade by My Sister!
I wanted to introduce you to my precious sister, Lora! She has been hard at work creating beautiful things with barn wood! My sister inherited my Mom’s crafting skills and creativity and has been busy making some beautiful creations! She…

Simplifying Thanksgiving: Free Planner/Cookbook
My friend, Beth, is offering her Simplifying Thanksgiving Planner/Cookbook for free through next Wednesday (November 26, 2014)! This is a wonderful resource as Beth shares the recipes and the plan to cook a little each day so you aren’t stressed on…

Choosing Gratitude When Life Hurts
This is the time of year that we all focus on Thanksgiving and how much we have to be thankful for. But sometimes it is a bit more of a struggle. Life happens. This year our family is facing a…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 7}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas
It is always fun to do some sort of Advent readings together as a family over Christmas. Over the years, we have done lots of different types of Advent activities, but this year I am excited to read through Ann…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 6}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 5}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we have…

Countdown to Thanksgiving {new ebook by Amy Puetz + discount code}
Over the years I have really enjoyed the books by Amy Puetz. I am so excited to announce the release of a brand new book just in time for Thanksgiving — Countdown to Thanksgiving! Amy has done it again! I…

When You Feel Like a Failure
We all know the feelings. The nagging doubts and fears that can overwhelm. The constant comparing that leaves us exhausted. We feel like a failure. Today I want to look at how to deal with these feelings of failure in…

Cultivate a thankful, giving heart with this 30-Day ThanksGIVING Journal!
The holidays are approaching and there is a real temptation for my children (and myself) to focus on ourselves. Several years ago I put together this 30-Day Thanksgiving Journal…I wanted something that we could do over the month of November…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 4}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we will…

Bible Videos + Songs from Freedom Kids
I am so excited to let you know about this really neat resource from Freedom Kids! They have created some wonderful Bible videos and songs with the desire to get God’s Word into little hearts. What the short promo video…

Books I am reading this week
I love to read and look forward to having a little extra time this week to do just that! It is fun to see what others are reading, so I thought a quick post today to share the books I’d…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 3}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we will…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 6 of 7-Bake Cookies for a Neighbor}
Today we are going to look at another fun thing you can do together as a family to bless others — Baking! I don’t know too many people who wouldn’t enjoy a plate of home-baked cookies. 1. Make a list…

Top 10 Videos We Use In Our Homeschool
I previously shared how much we enjoy read-aloud time in our homeschool. Today I want to share with you our Top 10 videos we use in our homeschool. My kids are very visual, hands-on learners, so we have used a lot…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 2}
I am so excited to be doing this blog series with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! Each week we…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 5 of 7-Making Freezer Meals to Share with Others}
We have all had times in our lives when just getting a meal on the table was a huge effort. Maybe a new mom with a little one to care for, a family with a child with difficult physical challenges,…

Keeping a Food Log + FREE Printable!
Have you ever kept a food log? You know, where you write down everything you eat and drink all day? I have shared before how it has been difficult at times to stay on plan with Trim Healthy Mama. Today…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas {Week 1}
I am so excited to begin a blog series today with Amy over at RaisingArrows.net! We will be preparing for a peaceful Christmas by blogging through The 12-Week Holiday Planner and want you to join us! It all starts this…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 4 of 7-Make Scarves to Send Overseas}
If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, a very simple ministry you can do is making scarves to send overseas. I know one mom who taught her kids how to knit and they had fun knitting scarves every day during their…

Creating To Do Lists with Wunderlist {free app}
I have talked before here on the blog about having a To Do List. Over the years there have been different ways that I have written down things that needed to be done: a project list, an ongoing to do list, scraps…

The Homeschooler’s Read-Aloud Guide {book lists, websites, and more!}
Reading aloud is something that has been a part of our homeschool for years. I have gathered here a huge collection of resources to help you begin to implement a read-aloud time in your own home, whether you homeschool or…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 3 of 7-Make Quilts or Blankets}
Do you enjoy sewing, crocheting, or knitting? If so, you can work at making baby blankets for crisis pregnancy centers! This idea may not be for everyone, but if you enjoy sewing, crocheting, or knitting, you can make baby blankets…

Using Buffer to Share Great Content {free app}
Recently I ran across this great app that you can use to quickly and easily share content on social media. I thought I’d do a quick post sharing how I am using Buffer to do just that! Did you know…

Preparing for a Peaceful Christmas with the Holiday Planner {new blog series coming up + coupon code}
Yes, it is that time to begin preparing for the holidays! I am so excited to be doing a blog series over on www.RaisingArrows.net, featuring The Holiday Planner. The 12 week series will begin on October 5 and will be…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 2 of 7 – Hand-Written Cards}
There is just something about receiving a hand-written card from a family member or friend. Today I want to look at another very practical thing stay-at-home moms can do to make a difference in the lives of others — sending…

10 Easy Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make
Christmas seems a long ways off still, but it is the time of year when I begin to research some gift ideas for the kids to make to give to family for Christmas. This has been a tradition that I…

Sarah Clarkson’s New Site – Storyformed.com!
I have been waiting to announce the official launch of Sarah Clarkson’s new site, www.StoryFormed.com! {Yes, her new book, Caught Up in a Story, is available as well and I’ll be posting about that next week sometime. I ordered my…

My Favorite Blogs to Follow
I thought it would be fun to post about some of my favorite blogs! We all know there are a bunch of great blogs and websites out there. Today I want to share some of my favorites. As you will see,…

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 1 of 7 – Sponsor a Child}
Do you ever wonder if as a stay-at-home you can really make a difference in other people’s lives? I know our first priorities are the precious lives of our husband and children, that goes without question. We are making a…

Summer fun for boys!
My boys (and girls) enjoyed finding these fun projects on Youtube to try. I know the summer is about over, but there is still lots of time for some fun summer projects! My boys enjoyed making some of these and…

What my kids (and I) were up to last week: A video treat for you!
As I have shared before, my kids love to dress up. Well, this week they all put their heads together and came up with this video. https://youtu.be/Ax2GitVksac My kids love to watch videos and read about the Wild West. In fact,…

A Peek Into Our Summer
Our summer is winding down and I thought it would be fun to give you a little sneak peak into our summer! The kids enjoyed playing a lot of baseball in our backyard (using plastic balls of course!). I can’t tell…

New Kindle Book: Hints on Child-Training
I am so excited to now offer this wonderful timeless book by H. Clay Trumbull on Kindle! Hints on Child-Training has been quoted and referred to a lot in the books I am reading by Clay and Sally Clarkson and…

Being Intentional = Walking in Love and Obedience!
The focus of my blog for the past several years has been all about being intentional. I have used the verse in Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” I…

10 Gifts E-Conference with Sally Clarkson – July 14-15!
I am so excited to let you know about this brand new e-conference with Sally Clarkson — 10 Gifts of Wisdom! This e-conference will be based on Sally’s book by the same name, 10 Gifts of Wisdom. It is an excellent…

Happy July 4th from our Home to Yours!
The kids had fun last night decorating the front steps and sidewalk for July 4th. Click “Continue Reading” to see lots more! Join my newsletter list and updates, and get access to this free ebook to get you started living intentionally! Subscribe Now!We take your…

Peace comes not in the planning, but in the Person!
You all know how much I love to plan. I plan meals, plan homeschool, plan cleaning, plan my goals, and on and on. But the other day I was contemplating where peace is in all of that. Does peace come…

Reading for Life and Why I LOVE Reading!
If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I LOVE books and I love reading. My family always teases me when we go into second hand stores and I head for the used…

Confessions of a Prodigal {new movie coming soon by Nathan Clarkson}
Today I have a treat for you! Yesterday the trailer was released for this new movie being created by Nathan Clarkson (son of Clay and Sally Clarkson). Do you want to help me spread the word about this new film?…

25 Years Ago Today I Said “I Do!”
Today my husband and I celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary! See the beautiful flowers he got me… I really don’t know where the years have gone. In one sense it feels like it was only yesterday I was walking down…

You Are Loved Book Study – Join me!
I was hesitant to enroll in this book study this summer, just because I am trying to be careful to not overload my schedule. But I decided to go ahead and buy the book (Kindle version) and started looking through…

Some encouragement from Educating the Wholehearted Child
I have been carefully reading through Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson again these past few months. There have been so many things that have encouraged me to keep going, to seek excellence in all I do,…

Easter Videos for the Family
As we look forward to celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, this coming Sunday, I thought it would be fun to put together a page of Easter videos for the whole family to enjoy! The…

He Looked Beyond My Faults and Saw My Need {a powerful parenting lesson}
“He looked beyond my faults, and saw my need.” These were the words in the song that pierced my heart this past Sunday as we sat enjoying the choir performing the Easter Cantata. I guess I had never really thought…

The Meaning of Easter Video {watch with your kids!}
I thought I would repost this from the archives since Easter is only a little over a week away! Enjoy the video and be sure to check out the link to another post I did on Easter! Also check out…

Bible Stories Alive with Mrs. G {wonderful audio Bible stories}
Quite a while back I had researched these audios by Mrs. G., but since her ministry is based in Canada the shipping cost held me back from purchasing any of them at the time. The other day I was…

My Bible Copy Book {free ebook series}
I love using copywork for beginning writers and over the years have used copywork in our homeschool. A while back I created the My Bible Copy Book ebook series and am offering it for free here on my site! There are…

New book and website by Chris Davis!
Some of you homeschoolers who have been around a while may recognize the name of Chris Davis. Chris and his family previously ran a homeschool business called The Elijah Company. The Elijah Company catalog became very well known and…

Laying Down Memorial Stones for Our Children
Last week we read in Joshua how the Lord performed another miracle in parting the Jordan river so that Joshua and the Israelites could cross over on their way to Canaan. After they had crossed over, God commanded Joshua to…

Home Improvement by Turansky & Miller {free on Kindle through 2/17}
I have a couple of books by Turansky and Miller and they are excellent! I bought this one about a year ago and you are going to love it. The kindle version is being offered on Amazon for free through…

The focus of being intentional
I am revisiting this post today because I need it. With the new year came grand ideas and goals, now I need to make sure I keep myself on track with the true focus of being intentional and setting goals…

My Weekend Project: Crocheted Slippers!
I love to crochet. It is just one of those things that relaxes me and brings me the satisfaction of making something useful with my hands. This past weekend I decided to crochet some slippers. I hate wearing my shoes…

Weekend Links Just for YOU!
I have some more good things to share with you today…enjoy! httpv://youtu.be/eexbF18fNDk Crochet Heart Coasters Tutorial – These would make cute gifts for Valentine’s Day! Sticky Rice – A fun science experiment to do with the kids this weekend? httpv://youtu.be/FHMjhz8aHTw…

Weekend Links Just for You!
I have some more good things to share with you today…enjoy! ******************************** httpv://youtu.be/MAO_jVN_s8E The Cross and Mothering {The Sacred Everyday} – Encouragement for all of us…excellent! ******************************** Article: Soul-killing legalism, Ensnaring liberalism–only Biblical wisdom brings life – Another very challenging article by…

How to Use Pepperplate to Organize Your Trim Healthy Mama Recipes and Menus {for free}
I recently found a very helpful online tool that will help you organize your Trim Healthy Mama recipes — Pepperplate.com! It is totally free to create an account, then you can add recipes from any website or type in your…

Weekend Links Just For You
At the end of each week I plan on doing a post with inspirational content I have found online throughout the week. There have been many times that I came across something and wanted to share it, but never got…

When Things Don’t Go as Planned
We had a wonderful Christmas with our family and I am so thankful for that! I am also thankful that we were all well over Christmas. You see, we had some variety of cold/flu run through our family after Thanksgiving….

Most Popular Posts from 2013
I thought it would be fun to do a quick post as this year ends, highlighting some of the most popular posts from this past year. I am so thankful for each one of you who takes the time to…

Countdown to Christmas {Weeks 13 & 14: Family Traditions & New Years}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!
I am up early getting the last of the baking done before we have our family Christmas this afternoon. Tomorrow we will spend half the day with my parents and half the day with my husband’s parents celebrating this most…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 12: Enjoy Your Christmas Celebration Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

A Christmas Miracle {a MUST SEE video!}
A Christmas Miracle by WestJet I posted this on Facebook last week, but wanted to give it a permanent place here on my blog. Just watch and see what WestJet did to surprise some of their customers during the Christmas…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 11: Final Shopping/Wrapping Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Simply CHRISTmas: Watch “The Star of Bethlehem” Movie
Simply CHRISTmas. Simply CHRIST. In the hustle and bustle that characterizes this time of year, I want to quiet my heart and simply focus on Christ. Over the next couple weeks I am going to be doing some posts on…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 10: Meal Making & Decorating Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Discipleship & Discipline Workshop – 50% off!
Guess what? Right now you can get the Discipleship & Discipline Workshop by Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae for only $8.99! I don’t know how long they are running this special price, so if you are interested click on over…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 9: Mailing Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

My Christmas Memories {free download}
Once again, I wanted to share with you a little booklet I put together several years back called, “My Christmas Memories.” This is just a little piece of “me”….hope you enjoy it! Click here to download “My Christmas Memories” as…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 8: Thanksgiving Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…
Celebration of Fall and God’s Goodness {2013}
For the past several years, I have been trying to be more intentional in planning special fun times with the kids. Since my parents moved within 15 minutes of us over a year ago now, it has been fun to…

Seeds Family Worship Album {free download through Thanksgiving}
This is how I want to live my life, with hands lifted high, my life lifted high in praise to God. As Thanksgiving draws near, I have been reflecting a lot about giving thanks. How important and maybe necessary it…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 7: Shopping Week #2}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Choosing Contentment in the Here and Now!
Choosing contentment is a battle that we all face each and every day. How do we go about choosing to be content when our work as a wife, mom, homeschool mom, never ends? When we find ourselves at the end…

Our Reading Lists for 2013-2014
I have decided that each year I will create a post containing all our reading materials for the year. This will include my own reading, books we read aloud together, and books the kids have read. Our read-aloud list will…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 6: Shopping Week #1}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 5: Gift Making Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Need some holiday craft and recipe ideas to make your holidays special?
Are you needing some holiday craft and recipe ideas to make your holidays special? Take a look at this blog series I did a couple years ago! There are 30 different entries for you to enjoy. Click here to see…

My Beloved and My Friend {book review}
I had the privilege of receiving a review copy of Hal and Melanie Young’s newest book, My Beloved and My Friend. This book has not actually been released yet, but is currently available for pre-order! First of all, I have…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 4: Baking Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

My Trim Healthy Mama Results {before & after}
Ok..so I finally decided to do a “before and after” picture! Many have been requesting pictures and I am sorry that I don’t have better ones to share, but I hope you can see a little difference (about 30 lbs….

Countdown to Christmas {Week 3: Supplies Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

Free Audio Bible Stories {Great for your whole family!}
I thought I had posted about this site before, but I couldn’t find that I had. BTStories.com has taken the stories from the Bible and compiled 260 narratives that are about 5 minutes long. You can choose to read the stories…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 2: Browse Week}
Reminder: These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those of you who have purchased The Holiday Planner will have all the forms that go along with the To Do Lists. If you have not purchased…

The Story for Kids – A Great Overview of the Bible
Right now you can purchase The Story for Kids on Kindle for only $1.99! There are 31 chapters that give an overview of the Bible for kids. I am considering reading this aloud over the holidays to emphasize God’s…

10 Gifts of Wisdom – New eBook by Sally Clarkson!
Sally Clarkson just released a brand new ebook (on Kindle) called 10 Gifts of Wisdom – What Every Child Must Know Before They Leave Home. It is only $0.99 right now (Friday) on Amazon and will probably be changing soon….

Living a life of purpose…the right purpose!
This week in our history studies, we have been reading a book called Boy of the Pyramids – A Mystery of Ancient Egypt. It has been fun as we are studying through Genesis and Exodus to read some historical fiction…

Take a look at my brand new “FREE Printables” page!
I am so excited to let you know about a brand new page on my site…FREE Printables! Over the years I have accumulated quite a list of free printables that I have created and shared with you in blog posts…

Countdown to Christmas {Week 1: List Week}
I thought it would be fun to do a Countdown to Christmas series that would encourage and inspire you to get busy now preparing for the holidays. These Weekly To Do lists are directly from The 12-Week Holiday Planner. Those…

New book by Hal & Melanie Young: My Beloved and My Friend!
I am so excited to let you know about a brand new book by Hal & Melanie Young: My Beloved and My Friend! The Young’s first book, Raising Real Men, was excellent and I am so anxious to read this…

How receiving children as a Gift from God helps us to become more like Christ!
Over the weekend, I have been listening through the recent workshop held by Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae. It is SO good and has really encouraged me as a mom. I wanted to share one quote from Sally with you…

Discipleship & Discipline Workshop with Sally and Sarah Mae {and a giveaway}!
{Be sure to see the giveaway details below to enter to win a copy of this workshop!} I was privileged to be able to attend the online workshop that Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae recently held called “Discipleship & Discipline.” …

Knit or crochet a scarf and make a difference!
The other day I ran across this neat project that this young lady, Ashley, is doing to minister to needy children around the world. This is the 10th year of the Knit Together in Love ministry. For the past 10…

When my first week of homeschool didn’t go as planned and how God got me back on track!
This was our first week of homeschool for the year…and things did NOT go as planned! I am very much a list maker and I had my lesson plans all written out and ready for the best week ever…then reality…

Am I a Standard Bearer or a True Image Bearer?
Yesterday I ran across a link to an article series that someone posted on Facebook. It peaked my interest, in light of where the Lord has me right now, so I checked it out. Wow! There is so much food…

Must read posts for your weekend!
I have been so blessed by the ministry of Clay and Sally Clarkson and wanted to share the link to a post that Sally wrote yesterday. It was, again, just what I needed to hear. Please take time to go…

Encouraging and Challenging Posts to Share
I wanted to do a quick post this morning with some encouraging and challenging posts from around the web. As I am praying and planning for our upcoming homeschool year, these articles are giving me a lot of food for…

My Kids’ Adventures {neat website full of fun for families}
If you are needing some fun ideas for family times with your kids, you HAVE to check out this website…My Kids’ Adventures! It was just launched last week so more content will be added as the weeks go by, but…

Being Intentional and Walking in Grace
It just amazes me sometimes how when the Lord is speaking to me about a particular area of my life, that the very same issues start popping up in other places – in blog posts, radio shows, books, etc. I…

Some family fun and relationship building!
I thought I would share some of the fun we have been having the past couple weeks. As I shared before, I really want to focus on relationships this summer and we are off to a good start! It has…

Check out this awesome Bible website!
Today as I was searching online I found this wonderful Bible website. It truly is amazing! You can look up verses in many different translations, look up information in commentaries, see the Greek and Hebrew, read a parallel of the…

Can brothers and sisters really be best friends?
As I shared in a previous post, one of my focuses for this summer is cultivating and encouraging healthy relationships in our family. This morning as I was glancing over our bookshelves looking for resources to use for next school…

Decluttering time at our house!
I have had two weeks now to get some major projects done here on my site… #1 – The brand new Homeschooling Central site is up and running now! Yeah! I will continually be adding more content to this site…

My Summer “To Do” List
We wrapped up our regular homeschool schedule last week and are now looking forward to a revised summer schedule. As I begin to make my “to do” list for what I would like to accomplish this summer, the Lord has…

Trim Healthy Mama {Cottage Cheese Berry Delight}
This is one meal that I fall back on quite often as it is quick and easy to throw together. I’ve fixed it for breakfasts or lunches when I needed something quick and I didn’t want to think about it…

Trim Healthy Mama {Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Pudding – Fuel Pull!}
This past week I experimented with one of the recipes in the Trim Healthy Mama book…the Chia Tapioca Pudding (found on page 234). I absolutely LOVE what I came up with and I think you will too! This recipe is…