How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 7 of 7-Be a Prayer Warrior} + Free Printable!
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[I’m reposting this from the archives, since it fit so perfectly with my theme for this month — how we can show others how much we love and appreciate them!]
Today we are going to look at something that we probably all do and don’t realize what a difference we are making in people’s lives – PRAYING!
Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk and is an area that we can use to make a difference in people’s lives. Even though our days may be full with little ones who need our attention, we can be creative in finding times to pray for specific needs of others.
I am sure we all have people in our families, friends we know, our neighbors, etc., who have some specific needs we can pray for. In the past it has always meant so much to me just knowing that my family and friends were praying for me about something specific. Not only did I feel their prayers, but I felt their love for me too.
You, too, can show love for others by praying for them. Below you will find some simple steps to becoming a prayer warrior for others!

1. Make a Prayer List
Begin by making a list of some specific needs within your family that you can pray for. Then branch out and write down needs of friends, neighbors, etc.
If your list is short or you don’t have any idea of what to pray for – ASK! Send a quick email or text to your family, friend, or neighbor, and simply ask them if there is anything that you can pray for. Make sure they know that they don’t have to share details, but just what they feel comfortable sharing. I have been blessed in the past by friends who have sent me a note asking me what needs I have that they can pray for.

2. Make a Plan
Decide how you will go about praying for these requests. You can do this several different ways. One idea is to assign requests to days of the week and just divide them up evenly. Or you can pray for family on one day, friends on one day, and others on another day. I think you get the point.  Just take your list and figure out a plan for praying. That way when you are ready for your prayer time you will have the requests to pray for that day.
3. Set Aside Time to Pray
There are many different ways you can have a prayer time. Some like to have their prayer time during their Bible time, some like to pray while they go for their daily walk, some like to pray at other specified times during the day. There is no right or wrong time to pray — but the right way for you is going to be the way that works! Tie your prayer time to something you do each day so it is easy for you to remember.
4. Follow Up With Those You Are Praying For
One of the most exciting things about praying for others is hearing back from them how God answered, or how God was faithful amidst the trials, or how God changed them in the process.
If you are not able to get updates on the things you are praying for naturally in the course of your days, don’t be afraid to give your family, friend, or neighbor a call and see how things are going. Just check in and remind them you are praying for them and see how they are doing.
Not only will this keep your prayers focused specifically and accurately, but you will bless them with the contact, letting them know how much you care.
I hope you enjoyed this series! Please don’t feel that you have to do all of these suggestions. I am just giving you lots of ideas to think about and choose something that fits your family and the gifts that God has given you!
Click here to see all the posts in this series!