My 10 Favorite Books I Read in 2014
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I thought it would be fun to look back over the books I have read this past year and pick my 10 favorites. I love to read and in the recent past have mostly been reading non-fiction books. Well, this year I decided to add in some fiction books and I have really enjoyed it. I almost forgot how much I enjoy a good story :). for my top 10 from 2014 (these are not listed in any particular order):
Redeeming Love – This was the first fiction book I have read in a long time and I loved it. After reading this one, I decided to add in more fiction to my reading list! This book is amazing and has such a powerful message of love and forgiveness!
Read for the Heart – While this book is more of a book of book lists, it was a fun read and gave me a wonderful resource to use in selecting good books to read to the kids. Highly recommended!
Simply Homeschool – I love Karen’s heart for God and how she encourages us to keep our focus on Jesus and His plan as we homeschool. Many times we try to add so much to our plate that we do nothing well. This book will steer you down the right path..God’s way!
Caught Up In a Story – This is Sarah Clarkson’s newest book and I loved it. Reading it just confirmed again and again in my own heart the importance of reading and using books to teach my children. There are so many lessons that can be learned through a good book and applied to our own lives!
Pinteresting – Tabitha is kind of known as the Pinterest Queen! She does an excellent job in this book breaking down how to use Pinterest in the most effective way to boost your business (and have lots of fun in the process)!
Seasons of a Mother’s Heart – I love anything Sally writes, but this one was especially great. I loved how she used the seasons of the year to shed light on the seasons of a mother’s heart. So many times we can feel guilty that we can’t do everything, when what we need to do is step back and live fully in the season we are in. I highly recommend this one!
Educating the Wholehearted Child – This was one I actually re-read this past year. Educating the Wholehearted Child is probably my favorite homeschooling book of all time. It is packed full of information on homeschooling, parenting, and more! It is my highest recommended homeschool book.
How to Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul – This was one of the most encouraging home business book that I have read because it is from a Christian perspective. Many times home business type books are full of just how to make money, but How to Blog for Profit shows how to make an income through your blog and stay true to the Lord, true to yourself, and true to your readers. I loved it! Highly recommended!
Advent – At the end of the year, I decided to take a break from some of my other reading and have fun reading some fiction books. I had never read any of Chautona’s books, so I decided to try one of her Christmas ones. I loved it! This was the first one I read, which was followed by several others. I confess, I went on a little reading frenzy in December and read 8 of her books! Yikes! It was fun though, and I have really enjoyed this author.
Past Forward (series) – This is my most current series I have been reading through and have really enjoyed it. Chautona has a way of making the characters so down to earth and weaves so much Christian content and life lessons into the books. I read Volumes 1-3 before the end of December, finished up Volume 4 this week, and am ready to start Volume 5. I think I will end up reading all the books she has written ;)!
[reminder]What about you? What were your favorite books you read in 2014?[/reminder]