5 Tips to Stay on Plan with Trim Healthy Mama

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I was probably one of the first ones to purchase the Trim Healthy Mama book when it came out and I can’t believe that was over 2 years ago! Over those two years I have been amazed at the progress I have made but have to admit there have been times of falling off plan too.

5 Tips to Stay on Plan with Trim Healthy Mama

I thought I would put together a quick post this morning with some tips that have helped me to stay on plan. My prayer is that this will encourage you and give you some tips and resources to help you stay on plan too!

Sugar-Free with Sheri

1. Plan your meals!

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t have my meals and snacks planned out, I tend to grab for something that is not on plan. Yikes! Having a plan in place really helps you be intentional about what you eat and helps keep you accountable too.


2. Keep snacks made ahead in the refrigerator or freezer.

This is probably my most important tip. I am a snacker, BIG time! If I don’t have some things made ahead in the freezer it is way too easy to go grab some chips or (my favorite) chocolate chips and snack on them. We all know what that will do to you! Below you will find links to some of my favorite snacks!


3. Eat a variety of foods.

There are so many yummy recipes out there now to choose from. Start with the ones in the Trim Healthy Mama book, but from there feel free to browse tons of great blogs and Pinterest boards for more recipes. Below I will list a few to get you started!


4. Cook in bulk and freeze for easy meals later.

I know this won’t work for everything, but there are some things that you can cook in bulk and freeze. Breakfast foods like muffins, waffles, and pancakes are easy to make in bulk and freeze. You can also cook ahead meat like hamburger and chicken breasts and bag in meal sized portions. This cuts down your dinner preparation time when you have your meat already cooked.


5. Sign up for the THM Newsletter and join the Facebook Group for support.

Pearl and Serene (authors of the Trim Healthy Mama book) have put together an amazing website and newsletter! I know they are working on a bunch more neat features that they will be adding to the site in the future and I can’t wait. Sign up for their newsletter (link below) and receive a monthly newsletter with articles, new recipes, tips, and encouragement! These newsletters are amazing and SO worth signing up for.

In order to be successful with Trim Healthy Mama, it really does help to have others for support and encouragement. There is an awesome THM Facebook Group you can join, as well as a few other THM Facebook Groups that are specialized for some specific needs, like for those with allergies, or those that loose slowly, etc.


Join my newsletter list and updates, and get access to this free ebook to get you started living intentionally!
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  1. I'm struggling too comprehend all the info.. I don't like to cook much any more so not sure what simpe things to make. I do like the shakes & smooths. Any ideas for quick meals. I'm on the go all.the time
    1. Hi Jan, Give yourself some grace and some more time to understand the THM concept. It will come, I promise! As far as easy meals, here are some ideas: Breakfast - eggs (S), oatmeal (E), smoothie, Lunch - sandwich made with sprouted bread or pita bread, smoothie, salad Dinner - chicken and a salad or veggie, taco salad Just take the meals that you were eating before and figure out how you can separate out the high fat foods and high carb foods and keep them separate. You can do it! Just start slow and hang in there.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing these tips, Sheri! It's hard being the only one in our family who is following this plan, so this will make my life so much easier!
  3. Thanks for putting all this info on one page. I was doing thm faithfully a year ago and while I never lost weight, I now realize I looked thinner/better. I have been trying to get back in the game - I'm just struggling w self control. I only recently found your site and have found it helpful. (Even for organizing my house!) ;) Thanks.
    1. Dear Amy, So glad you found my site and praying for you as try to jump back on the THM wagon :)! Just remember to take baby steps and don't expect perfection. You can do this!
      1. Thanks Sheri! And thanks for praying! You are right. Balance and not giving up. I'm praying God will give me self control -- for His glory. (Not mine.)
  4. Thank you so much Sheri for posting this. I have been on plan for 2 months. I have not been perfect. The last week and half I have gained 5 pounds. So I have only lost 10 pounds. I feel a little overwhelmed. I want this to work. I know it does but it has been hard. I need to put into practice our suggestions. I know this is a marathon not a sprint. Blessings for all you do.
    1. Thank you Angie! Hang in there! Remember this is a life change thing, not a diet. Making changes is hard and takes time. Baby steps at a time :)! You are doing great! Remember you are only one meal away from being back "on plan"! That always encourages me. (((HUGS)))

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