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Homemade Chicken Bouillon Powder

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Homemade Chicken Bouillon Powder

I have been buying MSG-free chicken broth powder from the health food store for quite a while now. I use a LOT of chicken powder in my cooking and it was getting rather expensive!

So…I went on a hunt to find a recipe to see if I could make my own. Guess what….I found one! I tweaked it a little and it works great! I can make it for about half the cost of the store-bought stuff.

Related: 7 Ways to Use My Homemade Chicken Bouillon Powder

I found that if I buy some of the ingredients (mainly the yeast flakes), I can save even more.

I bought the yeast flakes and rice protein at our health food store here and I can get both of these cheaper online.

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I put all the ingredients into my little 2-cup salad chopper and blended it up. I store it in a pint jar with a lid.

Then you use only 1 teaspoon per cup of water to make broth. Awesome!

Yields 1 1/2 cups

Homemade Chicken Bouillon Powder
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  1. Blend all the ingredients in a small food processor until powdery and mixed well. Store in a dry, airtight container. I use a pint jar with a lid and it works perfectly!
  2. Use 1 level teaspoon per cup of boiling water.
  3. Yield: 1 1/2 cups of bouillon powder
  4. * For those following THM, this bouillon powder would work wonderfully to make your own quick sauces and gravies! I use this all the time to add flavor to soups.



597 cal


7 g


62 g


67 g
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7 Ways to Use My Homemade Chicken Bouillon Powder

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  1. Is the protein powder necessary? The $25 dollar price would mean that this recipe is unaffordable.
      1. Thank you for answering my question about the protein powder!!!! Cause I have everything else...
    1. Yes! However many cups of chicken broth the recipe calls for, just make up this homemade version using the 1 cup water and 1 teaspoon bouillon powder. It works great! I love adding this to soups, rice, and more, when you have water added. Just add in the appropriate number of teaspoons of bouillon powder for the amount of water in the recipe.
  2. I am assuming this would be similar to Herb Ox granules. Am I right? I use that frequently and can no longer buy local to me.
  3. Hi, I am in need of a way to make quick homemade broth without hassle (I'm a THM Drive Thru Sue) due to the fact that I cannot have store bought broths due to the onion and garlic in all of them. Do you think I could make this leaving those two things out and it would still be good enough to make it work for me? Or is there anything you would sub out for those two ingredients? Thanks!
    1. If you want to use this homemade bouillon powder, I would think you can just leave out the garlic and onion powder. If you want to make homemade broth, it is really easy! Just put some bones in a soup pot and fill with water. Add in any veggies that you want, leaving out onions and garlic. Add in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Add in some salt if you want. Bring to a boil, then lower heat and simmer for a whole day. You can also do this in the crockpot or instant pot. Just google bone broth and you will find recipes!
    1. I don't see why not. Collagen has protein in it too. I would give it a try and see how it works, but I don't see why it wouldn't be ok.
  4. I love the idea of making my own boullion! How do you substitute this in recipes that call for one boullion cube? Do you do 1 Tbsp of the mix?
  5. I don't know of a beef or veggie version. I just use this for any recipe that calls bouillon powder. One option you can consider if you want just broth, is I like to buy organic beef and chicken bone broth at Walmart. I use this yummy broth in soups, to cook brown rice in instead of water, etc. That might be an option too!
    1. I would suggest looking into Asian style games ngredients. I love some of those broths. Also maybe substitute mushroom seasoning.
  6. Hello! Is there a veggie/ beef version, too. I'm a THM and would to love to have them all on hand. Admittedly, there are days that I'm happy with just a cup or two of hot broth. :)
    1. I don't know of a beef or veggie version. I just use this for any recipe that calls bouillon powder. One option you can consider if you want just broth, is I like to buy organic beef and chicken bone broth at Walmart. I use this yummy broth in soups, to cook brown rice in instead of water, etc. That might be an option too!
  7. One of your readers asked about beef bullion powder.... try this.....I believe I will..... https://nourishingjoy.com/homemade-bouillon-cubes/ Also I would check each product individually for MSG.....some do and some don't....albeit, just a few...
  8. Hey Sheri! I just came across this recipe on Pinterest and I'm excited to make it and incorporate it into my dishes. Is it ok to omit the sugar?
    1. Hi Lorraine! You sure can leave the sugar out. I have also replaced it with a sugar-free sweetener like Truvia and that works too. But leaving it out won't affect it that much. I hope you enjoy this mix. It is one I use in my kitchen all the time!
  9. Hi, came to your site for another reason (don't remember what now), but I saw your recipe, so had to check it out. I was going to ask how was this a "chicken bouillon" recipe, but then after reading all of the questions, where MANY asked the same question numerous times........I figured I'd ask a slightly different question. :o) Since there's no actual ingredient that's chicken related, how come you named this, something that it's not? Why Chicken bouillon instead just bouillon or flavored bouillon? It'd be more accurate......Also, what would be the magic flavor ingredients for beef bouillon or flavored, as I use a lot of that too & they'd both be great to have on hand. :o)
    1. Hi Alli, The reason I called it "chicken" bouillon is because it tastes like chicken bouillon and it is meant to be used in place of store-bought chicken bouillon. No there is no chicken in it, but the yeast flakes give it a chicken flavor. it is truly amazing! You can use this in place of beef bouillon, but it will have a chicken like flavor.
  10. I have been using my " No Chicken Bouillon " for the last few years in any recipe that calls for chicken bouillon. I first came across nutritional yeast in a vegan cookbook that I tried a few years back and ended up buying some at a health food store. Now I can get it in the grocery store where Bobs Red Mill products are sold. I will never buy regular chicken bouillon cubes again, besides I love making all my own bulk mixes myself.
  11. What is the carbohydrate count per teaspoon. Can you use it on the Keto diet? I noticed the yeast has a lot of carbs.
    1. Hi Andrea. The yeast flakes I have show it to be 14g carbs per 3 round tablespoons. So that would be about 1.5 grams of carbs per teaspoon. But consider that you use 1 teaspoon of the bouillon powder per cup of broth. Depending on what recipe you are making, you may only use 1 or 2 teaspoons for the whole recipe - and that includes the other ingredients in the bouillon powder, not just the yeast flakes. Divide that up into servings, and that is hardly any carbs per serving. Hope that helps!
  12. maybe I missed something but...where is the chicken in the, "powdered chicken bouillon"?
    1. Hi Lynnita. There is none! The yeast flakes have a chicken type flavor. You just have to try it and see for yourself. I use this recipe every week in my kitchen and LOVE this bouillon powder!
  13. How many calories are in one teaspoon of the homemade chicken bouillon powder?
    1. I thank you for the Link Andrea, as this is the information I have been seeking. I can see how there may be an alternative to using bouillon and this option looked good, except that once I read the article about Jack, which hit home big time here, and re-enforces the thoughts ( paranoia ) about getting quality information to work with, labeling being a farce, and how to go about eliminating the poison that is causing major health issues in many individuals. It seems impossible to be able to eliminate MSG from a diet, with the current methods of food processing and packaging by the industry. I also want to share for Sherri a big thumbs up for sharing ideas for us to consider, knowing the healthy goal is being projected. Thank you both Harlan
    2. I found this article helpful in regards to this. Obviously, nutritional yeast may still not be perfect, but it's at least way better!
      1. Oops...here's the link to the article that i mentioned https://www.califlourfoods.com/blogs/news/nutritional-yeast-versus-msg
  14. Awww. I just today bought a small container of chicken bouillon. I'll have to mix this up.
    1. That's ok Nichole! Just use it up and then mix up a batch of this for yourself. You will never buy any store-bought bouillon powder again! Enjoy!
    1. I did the math. There is 17,625 mg in this entire container. It's 1 1/2 cups so in teaspoons that's 72 teaspoons or servings worth. So about 245mg per serving! That's actually absurdly good especially in comparison to ramen! Theirs is 1,600 mg of sodium!!!!!
  15. Hi Sheri, I came across this recipe on Pinterest. I am all about homemade, if possible. I really want to try this but I'm allergic to sage, can I omit the sage and it not lose the complete flavor? Or can you recommend a substitute? Thank you! Kortne
    1. Hi Heather, I know it sounds weird, but it is the yeast flakes that makes it taste like chicken. You just have to try this! I have been using this bouillon powder for years now and love it!
  16. Hi Sheri, I'm new to your website and have enjoyed reading your blogs. I also appreciate your recipes. My question is, can THM Pristine Whey protein be subbed for the rice protein ? Thank you, Janie
    1. Hi Janet, It doesn't have any "chicken" in it, but the yeast flakes gives it a chicken flavor. I know it seems weird, but it really is good! Just give it a try. You'll be amazed!
  17. One of the ways MSG is hidden in our food is by labeling it yeast extract. Do the yeast flakes contain this?
    1. Ellen- My daughter cannot have any form of MSG - aka: Hydrolyzed Yeast Extract and/or Autolyzed Yeast Extract. We tried to use the Nutritional Yeast flakes and she still had a severe reaction to this, so if you have any sensitivity, I personally would not recommend it.
  18. I use Herb-ox sodium free, has anyone tried this without sodium, or less sodium???
    1. I wanted to know the same thing!!! I use the Sodium free, but would love to have it without all the potassium chloride, also. I would rather have a little regular salt and less KCl.
  19. So, if using this just for flavor & not as a source of protein, does it really need the protein powder?
  20. Thank you!! Been looking for a boullion without msg and couldn't find one!! Question though- how long does it keep for and how do you keep it? Fridge, air tight container? Thanks!
    1. I just keep mine in a pint jar with a lid on it in my cupboard. I don't think there is anything in it that would go bad and we usually use it up in a couple months anyway. I think it would keep on the cupboard shelf for quite a while, like most any other spices. I LOVE this chicken bouillon and use it in everything. Enjoy!
      1. Soo... would this work in say, a homemade cream of chicken soup for a chicken pot pie recipe?
        1. Yes! I use this recipe exclusively for all cream of chicken soup. It will work great! In fact, I am making chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and will be using this recipe too. Have fun!
          1. Thank you for the lightening fast reply! I shall try this tonight.
    1. I know it sounds weird, but the yeast flakes give it the chicken flavor. Just try it. I love this stuff and use it exclusively for all my cooking needs in place of store-bought chicken bouillon.
  21. I have been looking for a good homemade bouillon recipe and came across this one. After reading the ingredients, I noted there is no form of chicken in this bouillon. From where does the chicken flavor come?
    1. I know it sounds crazy, but the yeast flakes have a chicken smell to them. You really just have to try this recipe...I make a pint of it every so often and use it all the time. It tastes SO good! Just trust me on this one...I know there is no "chicken" flavoring in it, but it DOES taste like chicken! Happy cooking!
      1. Can't wait to try it. You have made me curious! Thanks for the quick response.
  22. I made this last week and made a cup of broth with it be able to taste. It was really good. So thankful for an MSG free alternative. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
  23. Can I substitute the Rice Protein powder with any other protein powder and do you have a recipe for beef boullion powder? Thanks so much for having this recipe on here. I am looking forward to using it once I gather the ingredients.
    1. Hi Muna, I would think you could substitute other protein powders...it should work the same. I don't have a beef bouillon powder recipe...but I'd love to have one! Anyone have one?
      1. I have searched the web, high & low, for a dry beef boullion powder recipe. Please share if you come up with one or find one.
        1. Hey, I ordered the rice protein powder to which you linked, and when I got it, I noticed it is vanilla flavor. Do you use the vanilla-flavored powder in this ?? I actually contacted Vitacost, b/c on the photo and description shown, it does not say anything about vanilla flavor. You'll notice it if you look at the ingredients, and if you order it, the jar you receive says "Vanilla Flavor." Anyway, so I just wanted to check before I make your recipe! (Thanks for your recipe!)
          1. Hi Kelly, I didn't realize the link I offered on this post was to a vanilla flavored. I really don't think it will matter though. You only use 1 tablespoon in a whole pint of bouillon powder. I guess give it a try and see. Again, I really don't think that will matter. I just LOVE this powder...just made some more yesterday!
          2. Okay. Thanks for your quick response! I use a lot of homemade stock...but it will be so nice to have this on-hand. Plus the nutritional benefits of the yeast flakes are great too!

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