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Trim Healthy Mama {Apple Oatmeal Muffins – E}

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Muffins and apple slices on plate.

I had someone ask me if I had an oatmeal muffin recipe.  Well, I didn’t, but I do now! To start off, I knew that this recipe would have to be an E recipe because of the high carb content of the oats. Because of that I knew that it also had to be low fat. So I decided to take my FP base recipe for muffins/cake and turn it into an E muffin recipe!

These muffins are a little drier that other muffins, but I like oatmeal muffins that way.  If you want a moister muffin, just add the optional 1 T. water to the recipe and that should help.

Sugar-Free with Sheri

If you are needing some more “E” meals to add to your menu…consider trying this one!  Enjoy!


1 tablespoon oat fiber
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1-2 tablespoon Truvia
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
dash sea salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 small apple, cored, peeled, and diced
1 tablespoon water (optional – add if you want a moister muffin)

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl, then pour into 2 small ramekins (6 oz. size).

Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes OR cook in microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.

Makes 1 serving. You can eat the other half of the apple along with your two muffins for a great “E” meal!

Trim Healthy Mama {Apple Oatmeal Muffins}


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This post is linked up at Gwen’s Trim Healthy Tuesday!

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  1. Can the baking blend be used in place of the oat fiber and coconut flour? If so how much? Thanks for the recipe, just picked 8 lbs of apples!
    1. Hi Naomi, I have no tried that but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I would just give it a try and then you can adjust amounts if needed.
  2. Hi Sherri, I posted this just now and as it was sending I realized the auto-fill info on my computer has the wrong email. My question is for this recipe and was wondering if it is a single serve or two servings? Sorry for the repeat, but wasn't able to catch the original email before it went. Thanks for your understanding! Robyn
  3. Just made these for our first THM breakfast. They are wonderful. These will be a go to quick breakfast I am very excited about our new journey and these will definitely help not feeling like it is a diet.
    1. Yeah Denise! So glad you liked the muffins. I love these too for an E meal because I love apples and oatmeal, especially together! Have a great day and welcome to THM!!!
  4. Would you need to add more protein with this, or do the egg whites provide enough protein for the meal?
  5. Could I substitute powdered stevia extract for Truvia, and would I need to make any other adjustments if I did that? Thanks!
    1. You could give it a try...just don't use the same amounts. The powdered stevia is very concentrated so just use a little and taste test. It may affect the consistency a little, but you'll just have to try it and see. Good luck!
    1. Hi Crystal, You could probably use almond flour or more coconut flour, but that would up the fat content of this "E" meal. I think you would be ok though if you want to try it.
  6. This looks great. Do you think they could keep well for a couple days? I am going on a camping trip and would love to bring them along for an easy breakfast!
    1. Hi Kristina, I don't see why they wouldn't keep for a couple days. They may need to be refrigerated because of the apples in them though. Give it a try!

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