Must read posts for your weekend!
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I have been so blessed by the ministry of Clay and Sally Clarkson and wanted to share the link to a post that Sally wrote yesterday. It was, again, just what I needed to hear. Please take time to go to this link and read Sally’s post…you will be challenged: Does your child consider you an adversary or an advocate?
Another post that I read yesterday is more of a testimony of doing exactly what Sally talks about in the above article. It is a post by Sarah Mae talking about her daughter…her struggles with parenting her…Sally’s Godly advice…and the results: How my daughter became a delight to me.
It is so easy to allow our days to be full of the “training” mentality that we neglect to really enjoy our children…to come alongside of them, encourage them, laugh with them, play with them, just love on them.
May these wise words encourage and challenge you today as they have me.
Have a blessed weekend!