4 Books I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
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I can’t believe another week has flown by! Here it is the end of April, spring is here, and summer soon after. All the books I ordered from ThriftBooks arrived and I am already excited about next school year! I know I mentioned it last week, but if you are looking for a great place to buy used books, go check out Thriftbooks today!
Everyone here is itching to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. We are winding down our homeschool and getting ready to take a little break for the summer. Of course we will continue our read aloud time through the summer and I plan to have the younger ones read to me some each day too. Beyond that we plan to enjoy doing some gardening maybe, some projects around the house, spending time with grandparents, and just enjoy the time together.
Here are the books I finished and the ones that I plan on reading this coming week.
4 Books I Finished This Week
Annie Henry and the Secret Mission (Adventures in the American Revolution – Book 1) – This is the new read-aloud series I am reading to the kids. I found this 4-book historical fiction series on the American Revolution and it had excellent reviews, so I decided to finish out our school year reading this series to the kids. We really enjoyed this first book in the series and are already into book 2!
Mismatched (The Agency Files-Book 2) – This was another great book by Chautona Havig. I haven’t read a book of hers that I didn’t like. This series is a little different — much more suspenseful and action-packed, but I enjoyed it. Again, Chautona has such a way of weaving in so many spiritual lessons into her books. Love it!
How to Kill Your Goliath – This was an excellent ebook by Chip Brogden. I was able to read through this short ebook this week and I have to say it was such an encouragement. I am going to be jotting down some of the key points on note cards to remind myself of the fact that no matter what struggles I go through — whether spiritual or physical — the power within me (God) is still greater than any of that. I want to live victoriously and this short ebook will give you some things to think about! Note: You can still download this ebook for free!
Inescapable (Road to Kingdom-Vol. 1) – I started another series by Nancy Mehl and really enjoyed this first volume. There are two more in this series that I want to read eventually. Can’t wait! Note: Right now the Kindle version of this book is free!
Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
Annie Henry and the Birth of Liberty (Adventures in the American Revolution-Book 2) – We really enjoyed book 1 in this series and are well into book 2 this week.
Effective Immediately (The Agency Files-Book 3) – This is the last book in this series (so far) and it is another good one. I actually already started this one!
Hopeful Parenting – I picked this up when it was free on Kindle a couple weeks ago. I have been reading bits here and there as I have time, and am gleaning much encouragement!
For the Children’s Sake -I am still making my way slowly through this book and really enjoying it. There is a lot to think about as I read, so it is taking me longer than I thought to finish.
Own Your Life – I am currently studying through this book with a friend. We read a chapter a week and then discuss together via email or Skype. This study has been so good and I highly recommend it!
Click here to see all the books I have read so far this year!
[reminder]What are you reading this week? Share in the comments![/reminder]