Systematic Theology Series by Pastor Dean Good
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We are living in a day when it is so hard to find solid Bible preaching pastors. I am so thankful for our own pastor who faithfully week in and week out preaches God’s Word. I am learning so much and coming to a better understanding of how very important it is to KNOW what the Bible says and how to apply it to my life.
I have been blessed in the past year to meet some friends online who are also feeling this urgency to “know the Bible”, to read it, study it, and implement it in our lives. One friend is Leslie, who has been doing a Bible Reading Challenge every year. I have so enjoyed this challenge this year! Well, Leslie’s brother is a pastor who is also passionate about God’s Word and feels the urgency to do all he can to make sure that Christians KNOW what the Bible teaches so they are not led astray and deceived — being “carried about by every wind of doctrine.”
In this post I want to share a series that Pastor Dean Good (pastor at Grace Church North Olmsted) is going to be working through this summer in their Sunday School hour. This past Sunday was the first lesson, so each week I will add the new video here for you to view. Be sure to bookmark this post so you can find it again!
Pastor Good also prepared notes for the series which you can download below. Happy studying!