Our Science Studies for 2013-2014
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Yesterday I shared what my plans are for history next year. Now I want to share what we will be studying for science!
Just like I did with our history studies, I made a 4-year rotation for our science studies (you can see that below). This year we will be studying Biology, Classification, and the Human Body. I love that this goes right along with our history studies. My prayer is that I will give my kids a good solid foundation in Biblical history and science.
Below I am going to list the resources I plan on using, as well as give a sample of our schedule. Enjoy!
The 4-Year Rotation:
Year 1 – Biology, Classification, Human Body – This is what we will be studying this coming year.
Year 2 – Earth Science, Astronomy
Year 3 – Chemistry
Year 4 – Physics, Computer Science
Spine I Will Use:
It Couldn’t Just Happen – We will be reading through this as our “spine”.
Videos to Watch:
Biology 101 DVDs – 9 segments
Body of Evidence DVD series – 8 DVDs
The Newton’s Workshop – The Name Game/As the World Spins
The Newton’s Workshop – World Building 101/The Germinators
The Newton’s Workshop – The DNA Encoders/The Pollution Solution
The Newton’s Workshop – The Bug Safari/The Cell-a-bration
Moody Science Adventures – 3 DVDs
Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution – Vol. 1
Moody Science DVDs – 19 dvds OR watch here free
God of Wonders OR watch here free
Experiments & Projects to Do:
Genesis for Kids – I went through the book and made a list of experiments and will incorporate them into our studies throughout the year.
Layers of Learning – (I will choose some of the projects from Unit 1.1 and Unit 1.2 this year.)
Games to Play:
Some Body – Since we are studying Biology I thought this game would be a fun one to help the kids learn human anatomy.
Sampling of our schedule:
I used the chapter outlines in It Couldn’t Just Happen and then added to it a list of all the resources I had that I wanted to use, putting them into the right places in the order we will study. I didn’t include everything for these three “sections” below, but I wanted you to get the idea of how I did it. We will start each section reading the chapter out of It Couldn’t Just Happen. Then we will simply work our way down the list, crossing each item off as they are done. How much we will do each day depends on what we are doing and how long it takes.
Just a little tip: As I did with our history schedule, I typed our science schedule up in Google Drive so that I could access it from any computer. I included in my lists links to any websites that we are going to use and links to any online videos we are going to watch. That way I can plug one of our laptops into our TV, pull up my science schedule, and click on the link to go to the site for the day. Easy! Plus the kids love seeing things on the TV instead of the little computer screen. Ok…here is a sampling of what our science schedule looks like…
1. The Universe and Its Origins
Read this chapter in It Couldn’t Just Happen
VIDEO – Watch The Privileged Planet DVD (60 min.)
2. Dead Planets, Living World
Read this chapter in It Couldn’t Just Happen
VIDEO – Watch Moody – God of the Atom (28 min.)
Planets Coloring Book – https://www.layers-of-learning.com/planets-coloring-book/
VIDEO – Watch Planet videos and songs here
3. The “Odd” Planet
Read this chapter in It Couldn’t Just Happen
VIDEO – Watch Newton’s Workshop – The Name Game/As the World Spins (56 min.)
I hope you have enjoyed a sneak peak into our science studies for next year. Tomorrow I will be sharing some thoughts on our daily schedule!