IHP 027: A Daily Quiet Time (Habits Series)
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This is Episode #027 and today I want to begin a little series here on the podcast about habits.
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My Notes:
I love the summer months and the extra freedom we have with our time and our schedules. But I have a tendency to go way off track and start slacking in some important habits that keep my life and home running smoothly.
So for the next several weeks, I will be addressing some habits or areas of my life that I want to work on getting back in order. Things like having a daily quiet time, drinking enough water, fixing healthy meals, keeping the house clean, and making sure I am taking care of myself.
Today we are going to look at having a daily Quiet Time.
Before we get into this episode too far, I want to stop and share a word of wisdom. One thing that I have learned through the years, is that my quiet time changes during different seasons of my life. When I had lots of little ones and getting up with babies during the night, it was all I could do to sneak in some quiet time. During that season, my quiet times were while I was nursing.
As my kids got older, I found that having my quiet time right after dinner, after the kitchen was cleaned up, was the perfect time for me. Recently I have been enjoying having my quiet time right after my husband leaves for work in the morning and before the kids get up.
So I want to encourage you first of all, that it is totally ok if your quiet time looks different from time to time.
Quiet Time Ideas for Different Seasons
No Time: Busy, busy, tiring season – Sign up for one of my Quiet Time Email Series. Each day you will receive via email a passage of Scripture to read. Simply read through the passage, meditate on what God is telling you through the passage, and spend time in prayer. Or listen to an audio Bible podcast like this one, or find many other free options in the app stores.
More Time: Not as busy – When I have more time to study, I like to pick a book of the Bible to read through. I choose a short passage to read and write the reference on a page in my Journal. Then I read through the passage and choose a verse that really spoke to me. I copy that verse down on the page in my journal. Then I do a bit of journaling about what God is teaching me through this verse and how I can apply it to my life. To close I write out a short prayer.
Even More Time – When I have more time, I like to use my Intentional Bible Study Journal, my In the Word book series, or my Intentional Quiet Time Journal to do more in depth study. I have several different Bible Reading plans you can use if you wish, or create your own.
I hope this encourages you to make your daily quiet time a habit. No matter what season of life you are in, you can choose a plan that works for you.
Next week we will be looking at some tips for drinking more water (and other healthy beverages) each day!
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