Homemade Facial Cleanser
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I decided to repost this from the archives for this series. Â My daughter and I LOVE this oil cleansing method. Â It really does work! Â Give it a try!
I recently ran across this facial cleansing method and decided to give it a try. I have always had oily skin, and my teenage daughter has oily skin (an acne problems too). So…I have always been on the lookout for something natural that she can use on her face. I have been using another homemade cleanser that I made with brown sugar and oil…it was working ok for me but not for my daughter.
When I saw this oil cleansing method I decided to give it a try. My daughter and I have been using this method for three days now and we already see results! Our skin is not only soft, but it has helped my daughter’s acne too! It helps take away or minimize blackheads and helps your skin look and feel smooth and even. Does it sound too good to be true? It really does work!
Castor Oil
Sunflower Seed Oil (or Sunflower Oil)
To Make:
For combination skin, you will want to use 20% Castor Oil and 80% Sunflower Oil. Mix up a little bit at a time to test it first. I used a tiny container and mixed up a little batch for us to try. I did the 20/80 ratio by putting 1 teaspoon Castor Oil and 4 teaspoons Sunflower Oil in my container and mixing it up. That’s it! If you find your skin is still oily, then try using more Castor Oil. If you skin is too dry, then use less Castor Oil. You really just have to give it a try until you find the ratio that works best for your skin. We did the 20/80 ratio and it is working fine for both my daughter and my skin.
How to Use:
I would suggest only washing your face with this oil cleanser at night before going to bed. In the morning, you will just need to gently wipe your face with a warm washcloth, but no cleanser! Too much will dry your skin out.
Now…Pull your hair back from your face to prepare to wash your face. Put a tiny bit of oil cleanser in the palm of your hand (about a nickel amount). Using your finger tips, massage the oil into your face. Pay close attention to trouble spots (nose, chin, forehead). Massage with finger tips, really massaging the oil into your pores. Massage for several minutes.
Now, get a washcloth wet with very hot water. You don’t want to burn your face, but you want it pretty hot. Squeeze the excess water out of the washcloth, and place on your face. Leave it there until it cools down. Get it wet with hot water and do this again. Use the washcloth to cover your whole face. You will feel your pores open up and it feels SO good! After you have done this several times, then gently wipe your face with a warm washcloth to remove any excess oil.
Pat your face dry with a hand towel. If your face feels tight or a little dry, then dip your fingertip in the oil cleanser and massage a little bit into the tight/dry areas.
That’s it! This little cleanser is all the cleanser and moisturizer you will need! Again, I can’t believe how well it is working on my daughter’s skin…and in only a few days time!
I am so glad to have found a natural cleanser that doesn’t have all the harsh chemicals that the store-bought cleansers have. Why not give it a try?
I previously explained how I ran across a way to make some homemade facial cleanser. It is called the Oil Cleansing Method and uses two ingredients: castor oil and sunflower seed oil (or sunflower oil). See above directions for how to make it.
But I really wanted to give an update as to how it is working for my daughter and me. All I can say is WOW!!! We have been using it for about a month and the results are amazing. My 16-year-old daughter has always had problems with major acne on her face…huge nobs and red spots…you know what I mean. We had been using some medicated apricot facial scrub from Walmart and it was ok, but she still had acne problems. I really wanted to find something more natural that didn’t have the strong chemicals in it…but something that would WORK too!
Now, after a month of using it, THIS STUFF WORKS! My daughter no longer has huge nobs and red blotches. The acne she does have are very small and easily covered with a bit of foundation. Her skin is nice and smooth looking and even. She loves it and plans to continue using this cleansing method. My skin has shown much improvement as well. I don’t have the acne problems so much, but my skin is nice and smooth, soft, and evenly toned. I could go without any makeup if I wanted…it is that nice!
If you have teenagers who are struggling with acne problems, PLEASE try this! It really does work and it is not expensive to make!
Here is a testimony that was emailed to me today:
“Just wanted to say thank you for the natural acne cleanser…My son’s face has improved greatly only using the cleanser a few days. The red blotches are fading and the large pimples are disappearing. Wow!!! Good word for it 🙂 Thanks again.” Jane L.
A reader left a comment asking for another more recent update on this oil cleansing method. So I decided to just do another post letting everyone know how this cleanser is working for us.
My teenage daughter continues to use this cleanser every night before going to bed. It has not totally taken away all of her acne, but it has greatly reduced the size and number of what she does have. Her skin is smooth and even too.
I continue to use this cleanser as well and I love it! I hardly ever wear foundation, just a bit of powder, eye liner, eye shadow, and blush. My skin is soft and smooth. As we are entering the winter months, I’m anxious to see how my skin holds out. I usually get pretty dry skin when the weather turns cold. I have been using a bit of coconut oil on my face if I notice it feels a little dry. That has helped a lot too. My guess is that I’ll be using more coconut oil during the winter months to keep my skin nice and soft.
How I store the cleaners: Instead of putting this cleanser in a little tupperwear container (as shown above), I bought one of those travel size shampoo bottles you can get at Walmart for about $1. It is just the right size to hold one recipe (1 T. castor oil, 4 T. sunflower oil). I use a funnel and put the ingredients into the bottle, then shake it up. When I use it each night, I simply shake up the bottle, flip the lid up, and squirt just a bit into the palm of my hand. It has been working great storing it like this.
How I store the cononut oil: I store some coconut oil in a little tupperware (similar to what is shown above) and put it in my medicine cabinet with the cleanser. That way I don’t have to keep running to the kitchen to get some out of the big container and also keeps things a bit more sanitary!
I really am pleased with this facial cleansing routine and have heard many positive replies too. I like to make up little bottles of this and give it away to friends as a little gift. If you have trouble with acne or dry skin, or have a teenager struggling with acne problems…you NEED TO TRY THIS! It really does work!