Sponsor a Child and Learn About Other Countries
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Do you want your kids to learn more about children in other countries? Does your family want to make a difference in a child’s life? Do you want the opportunity to pray for, write letters to, and share Christ with a child in another country?
Become a Compassion Sponsor!
Our family has been sponsoring three children through Compassion for years. It is always a highlight of our day when we get letters from our sponsored children. We pray for them every day and write letters as often as we can. We know that we are making a difference in their lives.
Want to see our Compassion kids? Let me introduce them to you.

Sonia was one of our first Compassion kids we sponsored way back in 2010. It has been a joy to watch her grow up and mature in the Lord. We sponsored Marvin in 2013 and Jorge in 2017. We have a few others that we have sponsored and left the program for various reasons. But we still pray for all six of them every day. Yes it is a financial commitment but something that has been so good for our family.
If you are interested in looking into this, just go to the Compassion website and read all about sponsoring a child.
The Compassion Explorer Magazine
One of the neat benefits that you get when you sponsor a child, is the ability to sign up for a free print subscription to the Compassion Explorer Magazine. This is an amazing monthly magazine that is filled with stories, games, activities, recipes, etc., about children from all over the world.
You can view a sampling of the Compassion Explorer Magazine online here.
I snapped some pictures of the most recent magazine I got in the mail so you can see what it looks like inside.

That’s just a few of the pages. Isn’t that amazing? If you decide to sponsor a child through Compassion, then be sure to go to this page and sign up for a free subscription to Compassion Explorer Magazine.
Consider sponsoring a child through Compassion today and make a difference in a child’s life!