My Schoolhouse Teachers Review + Video Tour!
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I recently was able to become a member of and have had some time now to go through the site and see what all is there. If you are not familiar with, it is a curriculum site for the whole family. When you become a member, you will have access to curriculum and classes for your children (age preschool through high school and beyond), as well as courses for you to enjoy!
The classes are all a little different. Some are video based and have worksheets that go along with it. Some are strictly textbooks to print with lesson plans to help you plan. But what I have been able to see, they are all very well done and give you and your kids tons of resources to use for all the core subjects, plus all the extras!
Not only does this site provide curriculum, but your membership also comes with free homeschool planners, menu plans, helps for high school or special needs, tons of helpful charts and printables, record keeping software, scope and sequences, and so much more!
Check this out: Get the Ultimate Membership now at a HUGE discount (available until 9/6/22)!
I thought I would highlight some of my favorites first, then below you will find a video I did that will give you a video tour of the membership site. Prepare to be amazed!
I thought this class looked fun to give my kids an introduction to Physics. A high schooler can even get .5 credit for this class! That means that I will be able to use this with all my kids together! Score!
I have heard such great things about Friendly Chemistry, so I was really excited to see this course as a part of the Schoolhouse Teachers membership!
Not only do they have science for middle school and high school, but they have tons of courses for the younger crew. This one looked really good for First Grade!
We already have a history curriculum that we love (Good & Beautiful History), but I wanted to highlight some of the amazing courses available for history. We will probably use some of these as supplements just for fun! This course is an American History course for the younger crew that looked really good.
We love the Drive Thru History DVDs at our home and have all of them already! But if you don’t have these, you can access the American History and Ancient History ones, as well as lesson plans to go along with them!
This Lighting the Way course caught my attention as it covers great heroes of the Christian faith. It is video based with workbooks to go along with it and is geared for elementary age children. My plan is to just use these to supplement what we are already doing by watching some of the videos and maybe doing some of the workbooks that go along with them.
Tons of math courses are available for kids of all ages. Daily Math is a course with worksheets that kids can do every day to help them learn or reinforce their math skills. This course is geared for kids Grade 5-8.
Like I said above, there is math for all ages! This is the First Grade Math course and it looks really good.
They also have middle school and high school level math. This Pre-Algebra course is geared towards middle school/Grade 8. But they also have other high school courses like Geometry, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, and more!
Language Arts
They have a complete Schoolhouse Spelling program for kids age preschool through high school.
Also included are Daily Grammar courses for children Grade 2-9.
The Daily Writing courses provide daily writing prompts for children in elementary through high school.
There are a bunch of different electives that you can choose from. They have everything from music lesson, foreign language, art, home economics, graphic design, podcasting, speech, keyboarding, and so much more! Click on the images below to check out a few of these that I have highlighted.
Courses for YOU
I was also excited to see that Schoolhouse Teachers also offers a bunch of courses for parents as well. There are courses on Bible, homemaking, homeschooling, parenting, and more! Click on the images below to check out a few that I wanted to highlight!
Video Tour!
I thought it would be fun to give you a video tour of the Schoolhouse Teachers membership site. You really can’t grasp the scope of what all is included just by reading this post or by browsing around on their site. There is SO MUCH there! Watch the video below and be prepared to be blown away!
Special Pricing Through 9/6/22!

Right now you can get the Ultimate Membership (which includes all the courses for the younger grades as well as the high school grades) for BOGO (buy one year, get one year free)!
I added up the value of the courses that I plan to use and it was well over the yearly membership. There is so much value it is beyond amazing!
Click here or on the banner above to check out this special deal!