Back to homeschool…another new year!
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I really do love this time of year…beginning new schedules, reading new books, learning new things. I thought I would share some of the things we will be reading/doing/using in our homeschool this year.
We have our Bible time after breakfast each morning. I read a story out of The Child’s Story Bible, and then go over our Bible Memory. I have read other devotional books during this time as well, but for now we are sticking with The Child’s Story Bible.
Our family has enjoyed covering history by reading books aloud together. There are so many excellent living books to read. We work away at reading all the books we own, utilize the library for more variety, and also order some new ones each year. This year I am excited to include some ebooks I received from Heritage History, Eclectic Education Series, and Accelerated Achievement. I have them all loaded on my Kindle, ready to read to the kids this year!
We also have a HUGE collection of history DVDs. I made a complete list of all the history DVDs we have and we will be working our way through watching ALL of them this year!
Here are some of our favorite history DVDs:
Drive Thru History-Holy Land Series (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3)
Drive Thru History-American History Series (here and here
We will be reading aloud The Story Book of Science together. The kids will be doing more reading on science-related topics according to their individual interests.
We also have a HUGE collection of science DVDs. I made a complete list of all the science DVDs we own and we will be working our way through watching ALL of them this year!
Here are some of our favorite science DVDs:
Your Backyard (here and here)
The Newtons’ Workshop (here, here, here, and here)
Biology 101 (My kids LOVED this biology DVD set and came back to watch different segments from time to time.)
Body of Evidence Series (this series is excellent, but more for older children)
Read-Aloud Time
Each day we will spend some time reading aloud together…book on literature, history, and science. This is one of our favorite times of the day!
We will be using Marie’s Words to learn some new vocabulary words this year. I have already started these cards, going through a word or two with the kids each morning after breakfast. We are enjoying it and look forward to an easy, informal way to learn! Watch for a formal review of Marie’s Words soon on my blog!
I am going to be using some Sentence Building Cards that I printed that came with the Accelerated Achievement curriculum. There are cards for nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc., and you put them in stacks in a specific order to make funny sentences. This should be a fun way to learn grammar this year!
Our school year will start with all the kids working on our vacation notebook. This summer we took a family trip and went to Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park, and the Grand Titons. We had so much fun and took a TON of pictures. I am going to get a bunch of pictures printed, and then allow the kids to work on pages (cardstock paper), adding pictures, maps, tourist pamphlets, etc. to decorate the pages. I will also have them write captions for the pictures and pages of writing out our memories.
Once we get that project done, the kids will be working on individual notebooks related to their interests. My oldest will continue working in his Bird Notebook, and my younger ones will continue with copywork, writing stories, and for my youngest learning to write his letters and numbers.
One resource that I am going to be using this year is the Copy and Draw ebook by Diane Hurst. (Diane is graciously offering to give away some copies of her Copy and Draw ebook to my readers this week! See the separate post about the giveaway that starts on Monday!)
Kindergarten – Counting to 100, beginning addition and subtraction (using games and real life)
1st Grade – Addition and subtraction (using XtraMath, games, and real life)
3rd Grade – Use XtraMath to drill math facts, Life of Fred, and Khan Academy
8th Grade – Use XtraMath to drill math facts, Life of Fred, and Khan Academy
I am really looking forward to using the XtraMath site this year to make sure the math facts are memorized! I have heard so much about Khan Academy and also look forward to using this site for some variety and a different kind of challenge. We will also be using some fun math videos called MathTacular. I have not received these yet, but watch for a review on my blog as soon as I have had a chance to use them with the kids!
Each of the kids are at different places with their reading skills. The older ones will enjoy reading books related to their interests. The younger ones will be working through phonics activities and the McGuffey’s Primer.
I have probably forgotten something, but I hope you have enjoyed a peek into our school year. My prayer for each of you beginning a new school year, homeschooling or not, that the Lord will use you in your children’s lives to draw them closer to Him. Have a blessed day….and don’t forget to enter the giveaway for the Copy and Draw ebook (see post on Monday!).
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