1 Book I Finished This Week + Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
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It seems like the week has flown by, again! The weather here has been beautiful so we have enjoyed doing some things outside. I did get some reading time in and finished up one book this week. My goal is to finish two books this coming week! As always, we continue to enjoy our read aloud times each day.
We actually have two read aloud times — one at breakfast and one in the afternoon. At breakfast I have been reading out of The Child’s Story Bible and the The Book of Virtues. We have really enjoyed both of these. We begin with a Bible story and then I choose a selection to read out of The Book of Virtues. The kids have enjoyed a hearing a variety of poems and short stories that they have never heard before. In the afternoon we read aloud books on history, science, or literature. It really is lots of fun! Check out this great resource I put together and give it a try!
Here is the book I finished and the ones that I plan on reading this coming week.
1 Book I Finished This Week
The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers –Â I have to say that I wasn’t sure what to expect out of this book when I chose it to read. I had picked it up when it was free on Kindle and decided to check it out. Boy am I glad I did! The author is a Christian and the message of the book was just what I needed. He talks about blogging with passion, purpose, and integrity, about being authentic and being a servant. So many times it is easy to get all caught up in the numbers and forget that God has given us bloggers a message to tell, and it is NOT all about us, but about the Lord! It is about allowing the Lord to use blogging to bless and encourage others. If you are a blogger, I highly recommend this read!
Books I Plan to Read This Coming Week
The Fiddler’s Secret (Freedom Seekers #6) – This is our current read-aloud with the kids. We didn’t quite finish it yet, but should this week for sure. This is just an excellent series and I highly recommend it! I had a reader send me a note telling me that she started this series with her kids and they were loving it. The first day the kids wouldn’t let her stop reading and they ended up reading 6 chapters the first day!
Rush Revere and the American Revolution – I am considering this book for our next read aloud with the kids. If we finish the last Freedom Seekers book, then we will start in on this one!
For the Children’s Sake -I am making my way slowly through this book and really enjoying it. There is a lot to think about as I read, so it is taking me longer than I thought to finish.
Prairie – I picked this one up on Kindle while it was $0.99 and then decided to start reading it. I have read a few chapters, and while it is a little different than the other Chautona Havig books I have already read, I am looking forward to finishing it!
You Are Loved & Own Your Life – I am currently studying through these two books with friends. We read a chapter a week and then discuss together via email or Skype. These studies have been so good and I highly recommend them both!
[reminder]What are you reading this week? Share in the comments![/reminder]