
Marching Around My “Jericho”: Learning to March in Quiet Obedience

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Marching Around My Jericho

Tonight as I sat here for some Bible reading time, I was feeling overwhelmed and defeated.  Defeated in parenting and homeschooling.  Feeling that I wasn’t doing enough fun things with the kids, not covering everything the kids will need in our homeschool, not doing “enough” in general.  After tucking the little ones in bed, I came downstairs to have some time in the Word.  I NEEDED some time in the Word, you know what I mean?

It just so happened that my Bible reading for today was Joshua 4-6.  Wow!  The Lord knew I needed this and it was just what I needed to hear!  Chapter 6 is what really spoke to me.  This passage covers the battle of Jericho.  How the Israelites marched around the city of Jericho one time then went back to their camp…six days in a row.  Then how on the seventh day they marched around Jericho seven times…and God gave them a miraculous victory.

I want to share what God showed me tonight.  Oh how faithful He is to speak to us, to encourage our hearts to continue on, to keep on keeping on.  Here are the main points I got out of this passage.

It is God’s battle.

As the Israelites marched around Jericho, the only sound on the first six days was the trumpets sounding…in a way declaring that the battle is the Lord’s.  In all the daily struggles and challenges, I must remember that this battle is the Lord’s.  When I begin to take ownership and claim the battle as my own, I begin to walk in my own strength…trying to fight the battle on my own.  I stop listening for my commander’s instructions and start listening to myself..and that always leads into trouble.

As I walk through these days of being a mother and homeschool mom with many children at home, I must continually remind myself that my life is His.  It is His battle and I should live in such a way that others hear the trumpet of the Lord…not me!

I must know God personally in order to “hear” Him give the battle commands.

The Israelites had to listen to Joshua’s instructions in order to carry out God’s plan.  In the same way, I must know God personally in order to hear Him give me the battle commands!  Scripture says that His sheep hear His voice.  If I don’t know Him, I will not be able to hear Him…and defeat is imminent.  In our study of American History, we have read about what happens when soldiers did not hear their commander’s instructions.  It usually meant disaster…chaos…defeat.

You can probably relate to the many “battles” that face each of us as mothers, wives, homeschoolers…each and every day.  We face battles with time, habits, schedules, homemaking, parenting wisdom, attitudes, relationships…the list goes on and on.  We will be in serious trouble if we cannot hear our commander God giving us our battle orders.  We absolutely MUST be growing in our relationship with Him, knowing Him more and more each day, so that we can “hear” him at any moment of the day.

I must simply obey and do what He is telling me to do, even if I don’t see victory in sight.

As the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho, I wonder if some of them were wondering what in the world Joshua was having them do, except to look pretty foolish to those looking on in Jericho.  As a mom, there have been many times when I have felt this way.  I know what the Lord is showing me to do…and as I struggle to follow through and obey, I wonder if all this effort is going to be in vain.  Is victory anywhere close?  Will I ever see the “fruit” from all my labor?

God doesn’t always call us to a walk that is “loud”…sometimes victory comes after periods of quiet obedience.

As the Israelites marched around Jericho in silence each day, so I must continue to walk in obedience, doing the “quiet” work of being a wife and mother.  Being a homeschool mom at home with my children all day, creates lots of opportunity for quiet service to my family and others.  Many of the things we do each day are seen by no one else but our own family.  We get no recognition, no medals, no praise…just more work to be done.  While I would not trade this life for anything, it still has its challenges…and SO MANY rewards!

There are some days that I battle just to get food on the table, our homeschool done, and have kept some semblance of peace among the children.  It is in those days that I tend to feel defeated.  I find it hard at times to put one foot in front of the other and keep “marching”.  There are going to be times when I wonder exactly why I should keep going…why keep “marching” when I don’t see anything happening…no fruit…no victory.  It is in those times that I have to remember that God calls me to obedience and I must trust Him for the fruit..the “results”…the victory.

I simply must continue to march on…quietly…obediently…trusting Him.

What about you?

Do you find yourself overwhelmed with all the challenges of life?  What is your “Jericho” right now?  Your job?  Parenting?  Homeschooling? Your health?  Finances?  Feelings of defeat?

Do you feel you are “marching” in circles and don’t see any end in sight?

STOP NOW!  Spend time with the Lord, lay at His feet whatever “Jericho” is in your life right now…acknowledge it is His battle, get to know Him more through Bible study and prayer, listen for His marching orders, then walk in quiet obedience and trust…knowing that the victory is His…in His time.

March on in quiet obedience….victory is near!

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  1. God’s timing is perfect! I needed to read this today and I appreciate your honesty so much!! Thank you for sharing this ❤️ you are a great encourager.
  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I needed this word today! I appreciate you listening and sharing. May God give us strength to keep marching on quietly.

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