How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom {Part 5 of 7-Making Freezer Meals to Share with Others}

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We have all had times in our lives when just getting a meal on the table was a huge effort. Maybe a new mom with a little one to care for, a family with a child with difficult physical challenges, an elderly person who finds it hard to get around, a family experiencing job loss, or a sudden unexpected illness. We can all think of people around us who would be blessed with a “ready to fix” meal that simply needed to be baked and served up for their family.

How to Make a Difference When You Are a Stay-at-Home Mom @

As a stay-at-home mom, this is one area that you can bless others with very little effort on your part. All it takes is a bit of planning and you will have some meals in the freezer ready to share with a family in need!

How to Begin a Freezer Meals Ministry

1. Choose some recipes that are freezer friendly.

Each week, when making your menu plan for the week, choose a couple recipes that are freezer friendly, meaning that you could easily fix the meal and put it in a disposable pan ready to go in the oven to heat up. One of my favorite meals to make is Beef Enchiladas.  This recipe is so easy to double and it makes a very nice meal that is all ready to be baked! Check out my Freezer Cooking board on Pinterest for more great meal ideas!

2. Go shopping for the ingredients.

When making your shopping list, make sure to get double the ingredients for the two “freezer meals” that you chose for the week. You will be fixing one for your family and putting the other one in the freezer to bless someone else later!

3. Have some note cards handy.

A nice touch would be to add a little note card with an encouraging word. Be sure to pick up some pretty cards to have on hand so when you deliver your freezer meal to someone you have a card available to jot a quick note! Now these don’t have to be full-sized cards, but smaller note cards like these, these, or these.

4. Keep your eyes and ears open!

Be aware of families you know or come in contact with that may be experiencing a difficult time for some reason or another. Sometimes it is easy to get very inward focused in our lives. Open your eyes and ears to those around you, whether at work, at church, or in your neighborhood. Sometimes just making an intentional effort to really listen to people is enough to make us aware of families who may be in need of a blessing (a home-fixed meal).

Check out my Freezer Cooking Pinterest board for lots of great ideas!

Follow Sheri Graham’s board Freezer Cooking on Pinterest.

I hope you are enjoying this series! Please don’t feel that you have to do all of these suggestions. I am just giving you lots of ideas to think about and choose something that fits your family and the gifts that God has given you!

Click here to see all the posts in this series!

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  1. Sheri, Thanks so much for your post's on Stay at Home Mom, I did that and homeschooled 28 yrs, don't regret it!!! Can you tell me where to find the other 4 previous posts? I am sharing them with my friend. TY so much!!!
    1. Hi Robyn, I'm glad you are enjoying the series! Here is the link to all the posts so far: This link can also be found at the bottom of each of the posts! Hope that helps! Have a great day!

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