How to be a Godly wife and mother
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I love listening to audios on my mp3 player while I do dishes, fold laundry, etc. It gives me something productive to listen to, to learn from, to grow in, while I am about doing those things that need to be done. Recently I started listening again to Carolyn Mahaney’s audio series, “To Teach What Is Good.” Wow! The Lord is really using this series to speak to my heart….again.
Carolyn covers how to love our husbands, our children, what it means to be busy at home, and so much more. If you haven’t taken the time to listen to this series, I highly recommend it! This series comes with outlines as well that you can print out, take notes on, and use to remind you of things you need to work on.
So many times I beat myself up with feelings of guilt…that I could be a better mom, that I am failing my kids somehow, that I could do better homeschooling…but the Lord is using this series to help me see areas of my life that I can work on…but not on my own, in my flesh, — only with His grace in my life. If I try to do it on my own, I will fail. It is only His working in my heart and life that will bring about change…and my obedience and surrender to His will.
I don’t want to ever come across here on my blog and website that I “have it all together” because I don’t. I am right there with you, in the thick of parenting, homeschooling, heart training, cleaning…. I pray that we can all encourage each other as we walk this path with the Lord…allowing the Lord to use each of our gifts to build each other up.
If you are needing some fresh perspective and encouragement on being a wife and mother…download this series and start listening today! It doesn’t cost a thing… it’s totally free!
Click here to get your copy today!