Decluttering time at our house!
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I have had two weeks now to get some major projects done here on my site…
#1 – The brand new Homeschooling Central site is up and running now! Yeah! I will continually be adding more content to this site each week, but the site is now “live” for everyone to enjoy. I have had such great response from readers who are so excited to have a safe place for their kids to watch and learn. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I’d love for you to stop by! I got on the site last night and tried my hand at arm knitting! Yes there really is such a thing. You use your arms as knitting needles. It was lots of fun!
#2 – All of the Intentional Planner pages on the membership site have been updated for 2014!
#3 – I completed a brand new project that goes along well with the Homeschooling Central website…The Read-Aloud Treasury! Our family has enjoyed our read-aloud times each day for years now. We have covered lots of history, science, and good literature during these reading times. The Read-Aloud Treasury is a monthly subscription (only $4.95/mo.) and you will receive an email each week with an assortment of read-aloud materials covering history, science, Bible, literature, poetry, etc. Check out The Read-Aloud Treasury today!
Now that I have completed these major projects, it is time to turn my attention to some decluttering! This week I am going to be tackling a couple rooms in our home, sorting out things we don’t need or want any more, and reorganizing.
I will be going through all my homeschool curriculum and books and deciding on what I don’t need any more. Later this week I will be posting a special page right here on my site with a list of homeschool curriculum I have for sale. Watch for that soon…maybe I have a few things you could use!
Besides getting some major decluttering and cleaning done, I have some special things planned to do with the kids. Today I’m getting out our little pool and the kids are going to have fun splashing in the water and running through the sprinkler. Later in the week we are going to go down to the local tennis courts and play some tennis. That should be fun too!
On the blog…I have a post planned for tomorrow with another yummy Trim Healthy Mama friendly recipe! Then another post is planned for later in the week in the Baby Steps to an Online Business series.
What about you? Â What are your plans for the week?
Praying you have a blessed week as you serve Him and your families!