10 Easy Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make
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Christmas seems a long ways off still, but it is the time of year when I begin to research some gift ideas for the kids to make to give to family for Christmas. This has been a tradition that I grew up with, and one that we have continued in our family. We find a gift for each of our kids to make and as the cooler weather comes, so does our gift making!
There are a ton of great ideas on Pinterest, and these are some I have found. Check out these fun and easy Christmas gifts the kids can make. Have each child choose a project and begin working on it now! Have fun!
These are a lot of fun for younger children. My kids loved making these when they were younger.
A really neat idea for younger children as well!
One of my kids made these one year and had a lot of fun with it.
I love this idea of using Scrabble pieces! Cute!
A cute idea for the girls in the family.
We made these one year using beads and glitter.
What a neat idea for all the book lovers in the family!
You can get really creative with this one! We used some Christmas wrapping paper and cut out little shapes and glued to the back.
One of my daughters made these one year and they are so cute. Still have one on our frig!
This project would have to be for older children because it uses a woodburning kit. I thought it was a neat idea, though!
Find more great gift ideas for kids to make on my Pinterest Board!
Follow Sheri Graham’s board Gifts Kids Can Make on Pinterest.