I am so excited that you have decided to join me here! I want to help you learn how to implement some systems in your life so that your days are filled with much less stress, and much more peace and joy!
Many times I have been overwhelmed because I have so many areas of my life that I have no plan or system in place. I am learning that when I intentionally address these areas (one at a time), decide on a plan to handle them, and then implement the plan, that my days run so much more smoothly! This is what I want to help you with!
But first let’s talk about the struggles that we all face at times…
The Struggle…
Do you struggle to get things done? Are laundry and dishes always piled and you can never seem to stay caught up?
Are you overwhelmed with so many decisions that need to be made in a day? You have so much to do and don’t even know where to start?
Do you wish your home was filled with more peace and joy?
The Answer…
I am here to help! The older I get the more I realize that so much of the stress of our everyday lives is wrapped up in…
- trying to remember too much,
- having too many decisions that need to be made,
- and being overwhelmed because we don’t have a “plan”
This site is organized into three basic categories:
You can access each of these areas of my site by clicking on the category button in the menu at the top of the page.
Each of these category pages is filled with tips that will help you get started!
If you need more one-on-one mentoring and accountability, join my Intentional Homemaking Membership Community!
What I want to do is to provide you with different ways that you can handle specific areas of your life — whether it be how to set up a laundry schedule or how you handle all the mail that comes into the house. I will provide lots of ideas and you get to choose which would work best for your family (or come up with another option on your own!).
How I Can Help…
- Subscribe to my newsletter list so you will receive weekly Intentional Inspirations to living intentionally PLUS links to any new blog posts!
- Download and read the free ebook, 5 Steps to Getting Systems in Place {So you can have more peace and joy in your home!}, that you will get for free when you subscribe.
- Make your own Systems Notebook using the free printables in the free ebook and then get started on your way to more peace and joy!
- Join my Intentional Homemaking Membership Community where you will not only have access to the information you need to start getting these systems in place, but direct access to me so that I can mentor you and keep you accountable!
Let’s Get Started!
Go ahead and subscribe to my newsletter below so that you can start down the path to more peace and joy in your home!