Giving this year a name
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I had the privilege of reading the Kindle edition of Ann’s new book, One Thousand Gifts, while we were gone over Christmas….and the Lord has really used it to change me, to move me.
One of the things Ann shares in her book and on her blog is how she gives each year a name. As I read and prayed, I felt the Lord laying on my heart a name for 2011…The Year of Here.
You see, I tend to be a planner. I LOVE to plan, to chart out my day, my week, my year. But one thing the Lord has been showing me is that my heart has been in all the planning (checking off the to do list, always reaching for what is coming ahead) and that I have not been living to the fullest right here and right now. I don’t know if that makes sense or not, but I am finding myself grieving over days that have flown by way too fast. These days with my children here at home are going by too quickly and it seems that I am just planning these days away. With this in my mind, I would like to share some thoughts that I have jotted down…things that I and the Lord will be working on together during 2011…The Year of Here:
- being “all here” for the kids
- limiting business stuff to when the kids don’t need me (like early morning and late evening)
- living each day to the fullest
- cherishing every moment
- opening my eyes to see God’s gifts to me each moment of the day
- giving thanks for the “here and now”
- being “here” in my walk with God – not looking to the past (what I wished I hadn’t done or been) or to the future (what I wished I could do or be) but to NOW, HERE – where I am here and now – today
- enjoying the “here and now” with the kids – not looking back at the past with regrets or to the future with fear – but just looking at today with thanksgiving and joy
- making each day my destination instead of my todays being filled with eyes always looking towards a future destination – which allows precious days to slip by meaningless and wasted
I have so much more to share, but this is where I will start.
I am going to start a gratitude journal once I buy myself a nice journal at the store today. I am going to learn to name each and every gift coming down from the Lord.
I believe as I learn to look for the gifts in each moment, that I will learn how to live fully here, right where the Lord has me, each and every day.
So I will begin counting, naming….1000 gifts from above…and I will share my list as I go along…to spur you on in your daily walk.
May each of you have a blessed day in the Lord,