Since there is so much confusion and unrest in the social media world right now, I thought I would create a page here on my site where I will keep an accurate list of where you can find me online. I would love to have you join me on these platforms! Choose what fits best for you!

Telegram is kind of like Twitter. It allows me to easily share items to my channels and it sends a broadcast notification out to anyone who is subscribed to that channel. Below you will see that I have several different channels. Sheri’s Main Channel is the one that I will use the most. The others I will use when I have something more specific to send out on those topics.
First, download the Telegram App (Desktop or Mobile)
Then, join my channels! Join my Main Channel or just choose a topic that interests you!
Sheri’s Main Channel (Join this channel if you want EVERYTHING!)
OR choose one of the topical channels below to join:
Intentional Health with Sheri
Health Freedom & Vaccine Info With Sheri
Homeschooling With Sheri
Reading With Sheri

You can find me on Instagram here:

Substack is a fairly new platform I am trying out. I love that I can simply write without the pressure of making everything perfect. This is where I will be doing some extra writing on current topics as the Lord leads me.
Subscribe to my Substack here:
Right now you can sign up for a free subscription and get access to the archives of my weekly Intentional Inspirations newsletters. If you want more and want to support me in a small way, you can sign up for a paid subscription and get access to additional posts and chats!

I don’t do much on Pinterest any more, but you can view my Pinterest account here:

Here is the link to my profile so you can follow me:
To join me on Gab, go here for directions on how to put an icon on your phone, how to create an account, etc.
ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT MEDICAL FREEDOM? Our freedoms are being threatened all across this country and across the whole world. Vaccine mandate laws are being pushed through that take away the rights of parents to choose the health care of their children. If you want to research this issue, I encourage you to check out this resource page. I also want to offer you this Vaccine Hesitancy Review document (PDF file) that does a good job of summarizing the issues: Vaccine Hesitancy Review.pdf
CHECK OUT MY FREE EMAIL SERIES! Head on over to my site, scroll down to the “Free Email Series” section to sign up for one of my free email series on the following topics: Trim Healthy Mama Tips & Encouragement; Quiet Time Series (1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, James); How to Get a Cleaning Schedule in Place; How to Set Up Your Homeschool Schedule; How to Plan a Month of Menus
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