How to Set Up a Cleaning Schedule That Works for Your Family (Step 3 of 5)
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In the last post we covered the second step to setting up a cleaning schedule — deciding how and when you will do your cleaning. If you have not completed the first two steps, go back and do that now! You can find them here: Step 1 and Step 2! If you have completed both Steps 1 and 2, then let’s move on to Step 3: Making a Weekly Cleaning Chart!
STEP 3: Make a Weekly Cleaning Chart
Now that you have decided on what days of the week you will clean, it is time to create your Weekly Cleaning Chart. On this chart you will list all the daily and weekly cleaning tasks to be done each day, depending on what you decided in Step 2. Don’t worry about the monthly and yearly/seasonal cleaning at this point. We will address those later.
If you decided to do all your cleaning on one day, then pull out a piece of paper (or create your own form on the computer). At the top write the day of the week that you will be doing your weekly cleaning, then list the cleaning tasks and who will do each one.
If you decided to spread out the cleaning over several days or over the whole week, then you will create a slightly different form. You can use a weekly calendar for this, write it out on a piece of paper, or type up a form on the computer. But you will need to have each day of the week listed (you can include only the week days, Monday through Friday, or include Saturday as well — up to you!). Now write under each day the cleaning tasks you want to get done that day. When you are done, you will have all your weekly cleaning tasks assigned to a day and written down.
Once you have this list completed, make a copy of it and place it on your refrigerator or bulletin board. You can simply use the Weekly Cleaning Chart as a reference each week, you can print out a copy each week and use it to check out each task as it gets done, or even slide it into a sheet protector (so you can use the same chart week after week) and use a washable marker to mark of tasks as they are done.
It is important to keep this list in a handy spot so the whole family can see it each day. I don’t know about you, but “out of sight, out of mind”! If I keep my daily tasks before me each day, I am much more inclined to remember to do them!
STEP 3: Action Steps
- Decide on the type of Weekly Cleaning Chart you need to make based upon how you decided to clean (in Step 2).
- Create a pretty Weekly Cleaning Chart that is all ready to be filled in with your cleaning tasks.
- Add your cleaning tasks to the chart (again, this will either be on one day or spread out over several days or the whole week).
- Post your new Weekly Cleaning Chart in a spot where you will see it during the day.
Side Note: At this point, I want to mention another option that you may want to consider for setting up your cleaning schedule — using Google Calendar! If you are not a pen and paper gal and/or would like a more digital option, check out my post where I go into detail how I am now using Google Calendar to organize all my cleaning tasks.
Now that you have completed the Weekly Cleaning Chart, next time we will move on to Step 4 where we will integrate these tasks into your Daily Planner Pages or To Do Lists!