Reading for Life and Why I LOVE Reading!
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If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I LOVE books and I love reading.
My family always teases me when we go into second hand stores and I head for the used books section. There is just something about opening up a good book and reading! Today I thought I’d share some of the reasons why I love reading and also why I love reading to my kids.
Reading expands my knowledge. I love reading “how-to” type books on homemaking, homeschooling, home business, crafts, etc. If there is something I want to know how to do, I look for a good book to show me! I have learned so much over the years through reading books and it is so much fun learning new things.
Reading brings family together. I have shared before how we love our read-aloud time in the afternoons. We have read so many good books together and it has become one of our most favorite times of the day. We also read through The Child’s Story Bible each morning after breakfast, and love starting our day in God’s Word. My favorite resource for great book ideas for the kids is Sarah Clarkson’s Read for the Heart.
Reading reaches my heart. We all have a story to tell and when God prompts someone to write it down in a book it can be used to bless and encourage others. Biographies are fun to read as I can see into the person’s life and see how God worked amid all the struggles and trials they faced. It encourages me that He is right there with me all along the way too! I also love to read Christian fiction books, specifically those that have a strong Biblical message. Even though the stories are not true, such strong Biblical messages can be portrayed in a way that I can relate to and apply to my life.
Reading draws me closer to God. When I read the Bible (the most important book we can read) and other spiritual encouraging books, it brings me closer to God. I learn more about God through His Word, and the Holy Spirit uses my reading to encourage, convict, and teach me.
Reading increases vocabulary. I know this is true for my kids! I have always had my little ones listen in on our read-aloud times even when the books were way over their level. But it always surprises me how much they absorb by listening as they play. My 6 year old has quite the vocabulary and uses big words that I don’t know where he would have heard them except through our read-aloud times. One of the reasons I love reading books on the Kindle is that if we run across a word we don’t know what it means, I can easily click on that word to open up the dictionary definition of the word. Love it!
I’m sure there are many more reasons I could think of for why I love books and love reading. But I just want to encourage you to make time each day to read. Read books aloud to your kids as well as reading some on your own.
Feel free to check out what I have been reading (you can find this page by clicking on the “Reading” tab above), as well as what I have been reading aloud to the kids. There are so many good books out there! Go check some out from your local library or purchase a few and get started! You can also check out my Read-Aloud Treasury Series for a bunch of great read-aloud books on Kindle for a great price!
Welcome to the wonderful world of reading!