Under Loving Command – an excellent free booklet on parenting

Solving the Crisis in Homeschooling – This is an excellent parenting and homeschooling article from Reb Bradley!  Please take the time to read it!


Marc and Cynthia Carrier have published several excellent resources for the Christian parent!  Two especially good books are Values-Driven Family and Values-Driven Discipleship.  These are wonderful tools for parents.

CLICK HERE to go to their website!

Great Parenting Book:

Click here to purchase Premeditated Parenting.

This link will take you directly to some free parenting resources they have put together which include the audio series above as well as some others.


Raising Godly Tomatoes – Elizabeth Krueger has put together a very informative website on parenting.

You can view her book online or order a paperback copy.  Highly Recommended!

Through the Bible with My Child

This is a free 4-year plan to study through the Bible with your children.  It is intended to be used during the academic year (172 days of lessons) and includes what to read each day, discussion questions, maps, puzzles, and tests!  Take a look!



Bible Memory System

Click here to see the Bible Memory System we use and download FREE Bible verse cards!



Pray for your children 7 times a day, 7 days a week!

Click here to see this blog post to find out how!

CLICK HERE to check out our Amazon Bookstore for books we recommend!

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