The following is our schedule for history studies. We will follow a 4 year rotation as shown below, incorporating world and US history and geography. We will use the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia for an overview of the time period we are studying and read a few pages aloud each day. Following a short time of reading from the Kingfisher book, we will dig into other books I have selected for us to read aloud, as well watch any DVDs we have. Each history unit will end with a day or so of discussion about what we learned (as well as lots of discussion during the unit!).

I am also using the Lessons from History books for the summaries to read, book suggestions, activity ideas, timeline figures, and discussion questions. For book ideas I will also use All Through the Ages, Read for the Heart, and some old Greenleaf and Elijah Company catalogs I have.

Another great resource for good books to read is Yesterday’s Classics HUGE 225 Ebook bundle!

World History:

  1. Bible (Old Testament) and Ancient Egypt (up to 500 BC)
  2. Ancient Greece and Rome (499 BC to 500 AD)
  3. Middle Ages (501-1460 AD)
  4. Renaissance & Reformation (1461-1600 AD)

American History:

  1. Discovery/Explorers (pre-1492 AD) & Colonial (1493-1763)
  2. Revolution (1764-1789) & Expansion (1790-1859)
  3. Civil War/Slavery, Reconstruction, & Industrialization (1860-1910)
  4. Modern – World Wars (1914-Present)

For your convenience, I have set up an Amazon store for our history studies. Listed below are books we have read or plan to read, as well as other resources for each time period.


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