Getting Started Homeschooling
by Sheri Graham
If you have just started homeschooling or are thinking about homeschooling, sometimes it can be very overwhelming to know exactly where to “begin” with this big job of educating our children. I hope I can give you some pointers from lessons I have learned, as well as direct you to some wonderful articles where you can read and learn what God has to say about educating our children.
Before you do ANYTHING (buy any curriculum, set your schedule, etc.), I would GREATLY encourage you to take some time to browse through the articles at the website I have listed below. I cannot express in words how much the Lord has used this site to challenge me and point me to the Lord and His Word to see what the LORD has to say about educating my children. So…before you go any further…go to the website below, pour a HUGE cup of tea, and plan to be there a while. I would encourage you to start a notebook ~ print out any articles you want to read again and study and put them in your notebook. Homeschooling is not only about educating your children, but about the Lord educating YOU! Sit at His feet, print out articles, read, study, pray…see where the Lord would have you begin in this wonderful journey of homeschooling!
Barb Shelton’s Homeschool Oasis Website & Article Chart
This link will take you to Barb’s Article Chart where you will find MANY articles that will challenge and encourage you! You will spend A LOT of time at this site, I promise!
Now…have you taken the time to read over the information at this website yet? If not, PLEASE DO THIS NOW before moving on to any of our other homeschooling articles! It is SO very important that your mind is renewed about what education is all about BEFORE you start your purchasing of materials and planning!
If you have gone to this website, read, studied, prayed, etc. . . THEN you are ready to proceed to our other articles!